Little Laughs 5

832 14 17

So, writing hadn't really cooperated with me lately. I'm still trying to post, I am just not pleased with how it usually comes out.
But, I'm getting my inspiration back, and I think posts will come more often.
Hope you'll enjoy! 😊

*Building blows up*

Cal: Mare, what did you do?

Mare: my best.


Mare: I am going to drag you through hell.

Maven: *ecstatic* does it means we'll get to hold hands?!


Cal: hey, remember when you told me not to burn the house down?

Mare: you burnt the house down?!

Cal: no! I had the fire out almost immediately. This is a success story!


Maven: *to Mare* do you want me to get you a step-stool so you could look me in the eye when you threaten me?


Farley: where's Mare?

Kilorn: doing stuff.

Farley: I don't look the sound of that. Where's Cal?

Kilorn: trying to stop Mare from doing stuff.

Farley: Cameron?

Kilorn: trying to stop Cal from stopping Mare from doing stuff.

Farley: I see. What are you doing here?

Kilorn: I'm supposed to stop you from stopping Cameron from stopping Cal from stopping Mare from doing stuff.


Evangeline: *picks up phone* hello?

Murderer: I see you...





Evangeline: do I look fabulous as always?


Mare: ok, we gotta open this locked door. Kilorn, give me your credit card.

Kilorn: here.

Mare: great. Cal, kick the door down.


Mare: *to Cal* I can't sleep.

Cal: what do you think I am? A sleep generator?


Mare: yes.


Farley: Mare, why are you flipping off the sky?

Mare: it's blue.

(Just a reminder, Mare said she hates blue more than every colour, even silver)


Kilorn: *eating cinnamon roll*

Farley: it's like cannibalism.

Kilorn: *confused chewing noises*


Farley: it's okay Mare, everyone's afraid of something.

Mare: even you, Farley?

Farley: no.

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