Wake Up You Idiot!

903 13 5

Just like, imagine if this was how it went...
Hope you'll enjoy 💙

Cal was extremely exhausted.

He trained the newbloods, exercised for hours of hard won relief, and made plans and protocols for the upcoming attack.

They received word about Maven's army, heading in their direction. Shall their spies be reliable, the opposed forces will approximately arrive in three days.

The numbers were in the Guard's favor. In those many months, the recruitment flowed, and with the help of Montfort, they had an impressive army. Well  equipped and determined to finally end Maven's reign.

Maven took Mare with him, and it sat on Cal's heart like a stone. Cal hoped he wouldn't have to watch her die in this battle. But there was hope.

Their spies reported they didn't see Mare for some time, and Maven is in a foul behaviour.

Of course, it can be because he's not strategically advanced as he thought, but it can be because Mare ran away.

Cal didn't want to give himself false hope, so he stumbled into the uncomfortable bed.

He told himself he imagined Mare entering the room. That it was a figment of dire wishing.

In seconds, Cal was asleep.


Mare stared at Cal. The man looked spent. Pale and in a need of sleep. She wasn't surprised he fell asleep.

The Lightning Girl already showed her presence to the Scarlet Guard. Farley embraced her, tears streaming down both their cheeks, and the rest of the Guard gave her a full update.

Her family wasn't there. All the civilians were safe and away. Kilorn was too. And her niece.

Mare wasn't proud of it, but she broke down hearing about Clara, causing Farley and people of the Guard to awkwardly comfort her.

She was glad of it, though. They really did care. Mare wasn't a monster to them anymore.

Mare updated them of the silver's progress. And the mostly quiet imprisonment.

She across the room towards Cal's sleeping figure, smoothing his black, messy hair. Her fingers gently caressed his face.

Mare couldn't believe it. That after ten months, they were finally together. She shook his shoulder, urging him to wake up.

Her prince didn't move. Mare tried again. "Cal," she muttered, "Cal, wake up!"

You can say many things about Mare Molly Barrow. The Lightning Girl, the head of the newbloods.

But patient wasn't one of them.

Mare slapped Cal across the face. "wake up, you idiot!" She hissed.

Cal startled, his hand grabbing Mare and sitting up. Unaware of who he's holding, dazed.

Calore finds the love of his life gawking at him. They stare at each other for what feels like forever and absolutely no time at all.

Cal's shaking fingers reach out and ‏softly graze her face. Breathing deep, His hands wonder to Mare's arms, shoulders, and sides.

One hand settled on Mare's thigh, and the other cupped her neck, brushing against her many ragged scars. Mare shivered, feeling her insides blissfully, finally, warm up.

She was used to being cold. But the heat Mare missed wasn't about the temperature. It was her longing heart, that constantly begged for Cal's warmth. His soothing hands, his careful, empathetic words. The wonderful reprieve of lying next to him, feeling content while she held him close.

Mare tried greeting him, giving Cal a proper hello, but her voice wobbled. He smiled, giving her much comfort.

Cal eyes scanned her, taking his beloved girl in. Her skin was ashen, and her figure too lean. Starved. Black circles rimmed her eyes, showing a great lack of sleep. Hey hair was a barely tamed mess. Gray to her shoulders. Her clothes were a stark contrast to her gaunt appearance. Clean and fitting. Cal remembered watching Gisa making the clothes for Mare.

He came to visit the Barrows, Gisa especially. Bring her food since he didn't see her at breakfast, nor lunch, and it was mid-afternoon. The prince expected her to be working on the Scarlet Guard flags. But the red pieces of cloth were folded in a pile on the side of the room.

Gisa nodded at the tray he set on the table. "What are you working on?" Cal asked.

On the table were black pants, newly made. They looked comfortable, but clearly designed for a shorter person. The item Gisa was currently working on was a white shirt, whose fabric looked softer than anything that entered the Guard's supplies. It glowed compare to the grim colours of the room, and their own work clothes.

Mare's sister sighed, ceasing her work for a few minutes. "I wanted to make those for Mare," she breathed. Cal heart ached from hearing her name.

"I was thinking, that after wearing only bloody rags for so long, she'll be happy to have good, qualitative clothes to wear."

Cal blinked. "And she deserves it," the young Barrow said, then turned to her plate. She handed him a small cut of fabric.

He could feel the high quality of the cloth. It wasn't soft as silk, but rather a cozy, gentle texture. Cal had no idea how she managed to get her hands on it, but he adored the fact Gisa used it for her missing sister, not herself.

The white of Mare's shirt beamed. And all Cal could think of was how beautiful Mare is.

"Hello, my angel." Cal whispered. He moved closer.

Mare couldn't breath. Couldn't move. Couldn't think. Their heads met, mouths on one another, the movement of lips so deep and so caring, Mare felt she was floating.

Throughout the night, Mare became more and more convinced they are in fact angels. They both felt they're in heaven.

You can send new prompts! I'll love getting more ideas 😊

We'll soon have; Airport2, AU3, and a surprise! So enjoy the following updates!😄

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