Chapter 5

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Note: Wall-E spoilers (sorry) and Sanders (A)Sides references

Trigger Warning: sexual reference (it's shut down quickly) and a panic attack.

Patton and Logan get out first, settling in the middle of the couch. Patton is in a cat onesie at the joint of the couch, Logan in an unicorn onesie on his boyfriend's left. 

Thomas comes out next (not a gay joke I swear), sitting next to Patton. He's wearing a onesie covered in stars.

Remy and Emile along with Devin and Remus walk out not long after that. Emile sits next to Logan, Remy on his other side while Devin sits next to Thomas and Remus on his other side. Devin is wearing a snake onesie, Remus an octopus onesie, Remy a onesie covered in Starbuck logos (his own creation), and Emile is wearing a onesie with every gem and fusion on it (he asked Roman for help).

Finally, Virgil and Roman emerge and settle on the ground in front of Thomas and Patton. Virgil is wearing his Jack Skeleton onesie while Roman chose his Beast onesie. 

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Thomas asks, relaxing into the couch. 

"Ocean's Eleven." (because criminal masterminds that are sneks are awesome.)

"Frozen." (it was in the latest video, go check it out!)

"Steven Universe!" (literally all about Steven Universe)

"Heathers." (sucker for bitches being bitchy)

"Hunchback of Norte Dame." (non-romantic plot)

"Inside Out." (emotions, feelings, self-love)

"Die Hard." (blood and guts and gore)

"A documentary." (e d u c a t i o n)

Silence. They look at each other. Roman pleads with Devin with his puppy eyes. 

"No. I am not giving you my hat Roman."

"He'd rig it anyways," Virgil mutters.

"Okay we're watching Wall-E," Thomas decides, pulling it up on Disney+. 

"How is it possible to convey such emotion through no dialogue?" Roman gushes.

"Shut up Princey," Devin sniffs, tearing up. 

"Are you okay Dee?" Patton asks kindly, leaning forward to turn towards him.

"hE's jUsT. sO. LoNeLy," Dee cries.

"Do these robots have genders though?" Logan questions.

"Don't start us down that road." Remy takes a sip of his drink, glaring at Logan.

"Now I'm happy I didn't get an Alexa," Thomas comments as Patton tries to comfort a crying snek.

"Ah, the beautiful bud of young love," Roman sighs, leaning against Virgil. 

"Technically they aren't in love, as they are two robots with no real emotions," Logan comments.

"Well they've already showed they can feel emotions such as loneliness and happiness, so it's entirely possible for them to be in love," Emile argues gently.

"But how do you think they-" Remus begins before Dee slaps him upside the head. "Kidding kidding!" he reassures quickly.

Virgil sniffs, holding back tears as Wall-E shuts down. Roman is crying as he hugs Virgil.

"He's not dead," Logan points out. "Eva saves him."

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