Chapter 36

70 12 4

Trigger Warnings: toxic societal masculinity influencing Emile

Word Count: 1365

"Emmy?" Patton's voice filters through the door. "We're getting ready to leave soon, Remy and his group have already left."

"Right, right," Emile replies, staring at himself in the mirror.

"Emmy, you can come out now."

"Patton you know I'm gay right?"

Patton's giggle sounds from outside. "Not what I meant Emile. C'mon, let me see that awesome outfit Roman helped you get!"

Emile sighs. Roman insisted that he go for something he'd look back on and remember forever and be proud of. So, in a fit of courage, he asked that the style be like Garnet's at her wedding.

The place Roman took Emile to was very high end, they brought the two into a room so they could talk over what designs and fabrics and colors he wanted, and then take his measurements. He usually just bought his suits already made, even though Emile knew he could afford to buy at least one or two fitted suits.

Roman had told him that the place was very LGBTQIA+ accepting, so he took that chance. He loves what they created because it's almost exactly the same as Garnet's, except his tie is pink. But maybe Remy won't like it, maybe the others won't like it...

"Eeeeemileeeeeeee, we gotta go soon!"

Well, no way of going back. He sighs, then opens the door. Patton's standing outside of it, in a similar suit to what he wore to Roman's red carpet, but without the vest and with a white bowtie.

He just stares, causing Emile to bite his lip nervously. "I- I know it's not exactly the most traditional but I thought it was nice..."

"IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!" Patton gushes, looking ready to burst from excitement. "Emile you look awesome!!!"


"Yeah!! Now c'mon, we're gonna be late!"

Emile smiles, glad Patton likes his outfit. Then he's pulled by the arm through the halls, Emile barely keeping his balance as Patton races towards the entrance. Logan stands there, putting his previously out phone back into his pocket. He's dressed in his usual navy blue dress shirt and black suit, black and lighter blue stripped tie tied perfectly as always.

"You look very nice Emile," he compliments.

"Thanks Logan!"

"Now, if we can make up time on the drive we should be there just in time," Logan says, ushering them out and into the hired limousine.

"How late are we?" Pattons asks, playing with his tie.

"If the drive takes the average time there, we will arrive five minutes and twenty eight seconds later than the ceremony starts," Logan recites, not checking his phone once.

"Oh no..." Emile whispers. What if he delays the ceremony? What if everyone hates him for taking so long? What if Remy doesn't like that he was late to his own wedding? What if he comes in late, and on top of that Remy hates his outfit?

"Hey hey, it's going to be okay Emmy," Patton soothes, rubbing circles into his back.

"Indeed, everything will be fine. They won't start without you," Logan reassures.

"But what if-"

"Emile, I want you to name me five things you can see."


"Five things," Logan repeats calmly, "that you can see."

"You, Patton, window, um... seats, my shoes?"

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