Chapter 56: I can't be headmaster

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Albus POV:

Most things had been restored to order and other things had been completely changed. My life, for example, would never be the same again. Every other person would be happy to have their name all over the papers declaring your glory, holding proof and telling everyone you're the most powerful wizard on earth who will never be beaten. Everyone except me. I know all too well that I cannot be trusted with power, I will never trust myself with it again. The Elder wand is as far as I will go as it's mine now, I won it.

My hands graced the beautiful, mysteriously marked wooden artefact that at eighteen, I'd kill to get but now, although I must admit I'm rather curious about the strength it holds, I'm not sure whether I want it or not. It feels like a burden. A whole lot of things feel like a burden. But one that had been taken away is the responsibility to defeat Gellert, something I was afraid to do because I was so terrified that I might be the cause of everyone's demise. Luckily, I won. I won because of love.

At first, it had puzzled me why I could harm Gellert and he could not harm me. I was sure that the blood pact fully protected both people involved so that one couldn't harm the other, but it turns out I was wrong. There was something Gellert overlooked and that was the fact that he did not make that pact out of love. But I did. Channeling my love into the blood pact only made it work for me, I was doing it for a true, honest and open reason whether as Gellert only wanted to make it to protect himself. It pains me to think about but I have to admit even to myself that it is true.

A day doesn't go by I don't miss him, just a little. He may be the biggest threat to wizard kind who seeks dominance over the muggles to others but to me...he's still the love of my life. Nothing will ever change that fact, which hurts most of all. He's done terrible things: murdered thousands, manipulated innocent people into doing wrong and threatened those who disagree. But even then I cannot change the fact that he's the only person who ever loved me for me, and I for him. We are each other's strength and weaknesses and that's exactly what a soulmate is.

Despite the fact I miss his terribly, I'm glad he's locked up for good. The world is better off that way. As am I. Now everyone can live in peace without his terrorising in a much happier society. Right? I know him being locked up is the right thing which is why I can't hate the ministry for it. It had to be done and I don't regret it. Just because he's locked up doesn't mean I feel any less guilty about my brother or sister, I still feel dreadful about it. I always will and I accept that fact. Just as I've accepted the fact I will always feel intense grief and emotions towards Gellert.

From time to time, I'm tempted to go visit him. Not that I'm allowed of course, no one is allowed to see him but I'm sure if I really tried that I could. But would it be worth it? As for Newt, Tina and Jacob, they're allowed to see Queenie under strict conditions and only for a certain amount of time. It's sad to see how this conflict had ripped relationships apart, dividing families in two. I'm not the only one to suffer in that way.

'Dumbledore?' Mcgonagall knocked on the door, 'Dippet has called for you...are you alright?'

I gave her a genuine smile, something I'm much more capable of now a days, 'Perfectly Fine Mcgonagall, I may love teaching but they do become a handful,' I got out of my seat and followed her down the hall.

'Yes, I get what you're talking about,' she laughed along with me, 'I'm glad you've got a skip in your step, that makes a change from a few years ago,' she grinned.

I nodded, 'I know, everything is going well at the moment so I don't see any reason to mope,'

She was pleased 'Good!'

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