Chapter 43

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Late on Tuesday afternoon, James was coming off of his shift as one of Lima Memorial's paramedics. He was a month into his job, and he was finding it quite enjoyable. Hectic at times, what with his dealing with medical emergencies, but highly satisfying. He'd been worried about missing his military life, but he was integrating into his new life very well.

"You going home?"

James looked up to see his ambulance partner Lisa Vance coming toward him. "Hey. Yeah, I'm thinking of heading home. How about you?"

The brunette shrugged. "Eh, yeah, probably. Nothing better to do, anyways."

James smiled. "Too bad." Lisa was maybe a couple of years younger than him, but had lived in Lima her whole life meaning that she knew the town and its roads better than anyone. Hence, she was usually the driver on their calls. He nodded at her with a smile. "See you tomorrow."


James exited the hospital, making his way to his car thoughtfully. He was home a few minutes later, but after getting inside, he decided he wanted to see Shelby and Ryan. Besides, there was something he wanted to talk to Ryan about. He decided to walk over. It was a nice day out, after all. A little while later he approached the house, and he saw Ryan outside with his basketball. He watched for a moment as Ryan shot the ball at the net, only to have it rebound from the backboard. James quickly moved to catch it, smiling at his son. "Hey."

Ryan smiled as well. "Oh, hi. I didn't know you were coming over today."

"I wasn't, I just thought I'd surprise you." Ryan smiled, catching the basketball as James passed it to him. The older man moved to a defensive position in front of the net.

"When are your tryouts?"

"Friday," Ryan answered, dribbling the ball before faking around James' defense to sink the ball into the net.

"I'm sure you'll get in, James said encouragingly, catching the ball as Ryan moved to defense. James took a shot, sinking the ball neatly. "How's glee?"

Ryan shrugged, catching the ball. "It's okay, I guess. We're supposed to be setting up for Sectionals, it's at the end of November, but Mr. Schue isn't very logistically minded. We'll probably have to make something up on the fly, and I'll be expected to pull something out of a hat to get us to win. Then the club will go on without a word of thanks, and they'll more than likely ascribe the win to one of our other members." He took his own shot, the ball narrowly missing the rim.

"That sounds very specific."

"It's what happened last year. Don't worry, I have an expansive repertoire, and if needed I can come up with a set list on the fly. Of course, I'd prefer to have time to polish our performance, but Mr. Schue doesn't quite seem to agree."

"Ah." James caught the ball this time, bouncing it twice against the ground. "How about with your friends, how are things going?"


"Is anything out of the ordinary happening?" James prodded, passing the ball.

Ryan glanced at him as he caught it. "Is this an interrogation? What...oh." He frowned, looking away. "Mom told you about the slushies, didn't she?" He shot the ball into the hoop.

"Yeah. She told me while you were sick. She also told me it's been going on for a while."

"She shouldn't have told you, I can take care of it myself."

"You're not supposed to."

"I don't need you to feel sorry for me, okay? I'm fine."

"I wasn't," James said, scowling. "I was pissed, sure, but that was because those kids shouldn't be allowed to get away with bullying you, or anyone else in the school."

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