Chapter 83

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A week after Sectionals, Shelby sat in her office finishing up the end of term papers for her students. The Christmas break was starting that week, and she was more than ready. She had decided not to get into Troubletones recruitments just yet. That whole can of worms could wait until January. A tap sounded on her office door, which then opened. Sue Sylvester breezed in, and Shelby hid a smile. "Good afternoon, Billie Jean, what can I do for you?"

"Well, hello to you too, Yentl. And you're right, I am in fact here for a reason." Sue made herself comfortable in the chair in front of Shelby's desk. "Yule is upon us," she stated solemnly. "The time when - wait, are you Jewish?"

"Half," Shelby deadpanned. It was sort of true, her grandparents had been Jewish, but her own parents hadn't quite followed the religion. She and Josh had been brought up with Christmas trees and reindeer, courtesy of her father's Christian background.

Sue nodded. "The time when Jewish kids feel slightly uncomfortable, and dwarves get jobs as Santa's helpers in demeaning non-union commercials that make them quietly die inside." Her smile faded as she looked down at her hands. She sighed. "Look, can I be honest? This is my first Christmas since Jean died."

"I'm sorry."

"So," Sue pressed on, "I've just been trying to keep myself occupied. I made plans to shoot reindeer from a helicopter with Sarah Palin but she cancelled. Apparently Todd gets fussy when she misses his ballet recitals." She looked out the window. "I usually spent the holidays at the nursing home."

"You could still do that," Shelby suggested. "As a volunteer this time, not as a family member."

"No, I can't go back there. Not without her."

That was understandable. Shelby looked at her thoughtfully, turning over an idea she'd had a few days ago. "Maybe you'd like to spend a day giving back anyways. Not necessarily at the nursing home," she qualified when Sue frowned. "Christmas is a time for giving back, after all. At least you're not trying to trash the choir room this year."

Sue's lips quirked up at the memory of last year's Christmas. "Good times. Do you have any suggestions?"

"I'm thinking of taking the Troubletones to the Lima Children's Home for a day," Shelby told her. "I haven't brought it up with them yet, but I think they'll agree." The group was still high on their win at Sectionals the other day - Shelby still thought it had been a no-brainer - and she was sure they wouldn't miss the chance to show off for a good cause. And these kids actually had hearts - not like her VA kids. "You could come, if you wanted to."

This time Sue was the one with a thoughtful expression on her face. "I hate kids."

"Not true," Shelby disagreed. "If you did, would you really be teaching at a high school?"

"Touche." The cheerleading coach leaned back, studying Shelby. "I'll think about it. Good thing you won, otherwise I might have ended up at the homeless shelter with Macaroni Hair and his squawkers." They were quiet for a moment. "So who'd you get as your Secret Santa?"

Shelby smirked. "If I told you that, it wouldn't be a secret."

"Ah, who cares," Sue shrugged.

"I don't suppose you rigged it again?"

"I never repeat myself, Streisand, and you'd do well to remember that." She checked her watch, standing up. "Time to go. The girls should be finishing up their laps."

Shelby eyed her suspiciously. "It's snowing outside."

"Eh, it builds character," Sue shrugged. "You better make up a bang-up Christmas set list for the kids, or I'll never let you live it down. And no Jingle Bells, it makes my ears bleed."

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