Christmas With The Mendes - Shawn Mendes

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Christmas at the Mendes' house was something amazing. The first time I experienced it was when I first met Shawn. It was during the most difficult time of my life, just when my parents kicked me out of their house because, as they said, I wasn't something to be proud of.

I was shivering while sitting on a sidewalk in the periphery of Toronto, the cold air making its way down my lungs. I was hugging my small frame in my arms, trying to find some comfort and warming myself up, the jacket I was wearing too thin to keep me warm, maybe perfect for the spring's chilly air.

It was Christmas Eve, most of the shops were closed and no one was supposed to be walking near here.

But there he came.

He was tall, he had a Christmas hat, too small for the nest of chocolate curls on top of his head, and his long legs were carrying him just towards me. He was handsome. I could sniff his cinnamon smell when he bent down in front of me.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," I shivered, softly.

"Here, take this" he handed me his big coat to wrap around my shoulders. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be out here with this cold weather," he chuckled out.

"I'm Shawn," he smiled, revealing his fangs. He was a werewolf, just like most of my old friends.

"Y/N," I said, shaking his hand. When our hands connected, I felt a spark spasm my whole body. A bunch of different emotions made their way to my brain as I looked at his face, both of us looking completely shocked.

"You're my mate," he whispered, a hand resting on my cold cheek. "I found you"

"How can this be possible?" I said, too shocked for this whole conversation.

"I don't know. But you can feel the sparks too, Y/N, I know you do," Shawn said.

"I-I do," I whispered as I rested my hand on top of his, somehow feeling the connection between us.

"Do you have a place to stay?" he asked after looking at me in the eyes for a couple of seconds.

"N-not really, " I said, looking at the ground, ashamed of my conditions. His hand lifted my chin up so I could look at him in the eyes again, his filled with concern and... Love?

"Come with me, you can stay at my house," he said as he held my hand in his. My first thought was to just stay there in the cold air, I mean I didn't know the guy, but my heart told my brain to give in and follow him. I nodded my head softly following him through the streets as I still felt sparks all over my body.


A small car ride later and we were facing a big family house, two other cars pulled up in the driveway. The front yard and the porch were surrounded by Christmas decorations and lights that illuminated the whole house.

Shawn held my hand as we walked to the front door, knocking with the other one as he looked at me. A man in his fifties opened the door, a shocked look on his face as he saw my small frame beside Shawn's tall one.

"Son, I didn't know you were such a gentleman with ladies. You got out of this house single ten minutes ago and got back with a girl by your side," the man joked, fully opening the door for us to get in.

"Karen! Shawn brought someone home!" he screamed at probably his wife in the kitchen preparing the food for the family dinner that night.

"Dad!" Shawn scolded his dad. "Y/N, this is my dad Manny, and that's my mum Karen behind the counter," he said, growling softly at his dad.

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