Savior - (CEO!Shawn Mendes)

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The pain was too much for her. The stress, people messing with her, her family issues and now, her dad at the hospital. He was her superhero, the love she had for him was something she never gave to anyone else, he was her anchor.

He was diagnosed with cancer just some months prior, and now his life was almost at its end, meaning she had to start taking care of her younger brother, find a job and making some money on her own to pay rent and live with the pain inside of herself.

The familiar ringtone snapped her out of her thoughts, her right hand reaching into her purse to get out her phone, while the other one was just by the side of her dad's sleeping body.

She swiped on the screen, answering the all too familiar boy.

"Hey, Y/N, just called to tell you I just landed," he said tiredly, the loud chatter in the background hearable.

"Oh, hey Shawn. Right, business trip," she said, wiping away the tears from her cheeks, trying to sound happy.

"Yeah, it was awful. Still up for tonight?"

The movie date. The one they always had on Fridays. Fuck.

"Uhm, I-" she was suddenly interrupted by a doctor telling her to leave the room for a bit, just to see how her dad was doing.

"Y/N, where are you?" he asked, worried about the whole situation.

"My dad has been feeling sick again, a-and this time was just awful, so I brought him to the hospital," she whispered, slowly breaking down in tears again. "They think h-he's almost at his e-end," her faltering voice said in between hiccups.

"O-oh my God. I'm coming right now," he said, his voice started ordering things to his assistant before he ended the call.

She was waiting outside the hospital room, trying to organize her schedule so she could take care of her brother when he arrived. His work suit was fitting him perfectly, as always, as he made his way to her small frame sat on a chair.

She stood up when she saw him, some tears still leaving her eyes from the overwhelming situation, and when he reached her, he pulled her in a hug.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered in her hair, leaving a few kisses there every now and then, trying to comfort her. She cried on his chest, her hands grasping his shirt in pain.

"I-I just can't anymore," she cried.

"I know, I know. Shhhh," he soothed her, his big hands caressing her back, a movement that seemed to calm her down.

After a couple of minutes, her breathing was back to normal, and he wiped all the tears away. They sat down, one beside the other, just facing the opposite wall.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. They say he's gonna leave us in less than a week or two and I have to start working to pay the rent, and my brother has practice like three times a week and I need to work on that too, and then if-"

"What about both of you stay at my place? I mean, it's not too far away from Finn's school and you know I don't mind you staying at my place," he interrupted her.

"Shawn, you have so much work to do: you run one of the biggest companies in the world, we don't want to bother you,"

"Y/N, you'd never bother and you know that. Just come at mine's for a while," he whispered, his hands holding her face.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Yeah," he whispered, kissing her forehead. "What about going home? We can pick up Finn from practice on the way, you pack some clothes, I can run you a warm bath and you can relax for a bit,"

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