Unknown - Harry Holland

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He wasn't used to feeling that way, especially not with someone like her. The young girl was sitting on the sofa, silently reading a book while Paddy played videogames on his own. Tessa was laying on her lap, small eyes closed and soft huffs leaving the pup's mouth.

The setting sun was shining in her face from the window right opposite her, making her hazel eyes sparkle, and Harry swore she was the prettiest sight on earth. If he had his camera in hand, he would have definitely taken a picture, but he kept in his head the way her hair was falling on her shoulder, the way her soft hand petted the dog, the way her eyes moved through the words. She was perfect.

"Harry?" Y/N mumbled, not taking her eyes off the page.

"Mhm?" The curly-haired man answered from the armchair next to her.

"Do you want a cup of tea? I'm making some," she said as she woke Tessa up and made her get down from her lap before rising to her feet and making her way to the kitchen of the Hollands' household.

"Yes, please," he answered with a smile, standing up from the chair too. He followed her, leaning on the marble counter as he watched her turn the kettle on.

"What were you reading earlier?" Harry asked, a small smile playing on his lips as she struggled to grab the mugs on the cabinet, being too short.

"I-it's just 'The Fault In Our Stars' again," Y/N mumbled as she tiptoed.

"Here, let me help you," he said, moving closer to her. One hand was on her hip, while the other reached for the mugs, his chest touching her back. Her heartbeat quickened as the boy she had been crushing on for years touched her, making her cheeks turn red.

"Uhm, t-thanks," she muttered, trying to cover the smile on her lips as he handed her the cups. Silence took over them, her carefully choosing the teabags and pouring the hot water inside the mugs. Y/N handed him his cup as he took out some milk from the fridge, spilling some of it in their drinks.

"I still haven't watched the film of 'The Fault In Our Stars' actually," he mumbled as he sipped his tea.

"I was planning to watch it tonight. My parents are not home again, so yeah I have the tv to myself," she chuckled softly. "Wanna tag along?"

"Uhm, yeah! Sure. You're gonna ask Paddy too?" He asked nervously.

"Nah, romantic films aren't really his thing," Y/N mumbled with a smile.

"Oh okay," Harry chuckled. "So, I'll see you later?"

"It's a date," the girl whispered in his ear before leaving the kitchen with a smirk, the boy left alone in the room smiling at the tea in the cup.


The front door opened, revealing a smiling Y/N dressed in a loose t-shirt and some shirts, her hair wrapped up in a bun and glasses softly resting on her nose.

"Hey," she smiled at the boy in front of her, motioning for him to come inside.

"Hey," he answered. The living room was illuminated dimly, and on the coffee table were sat a bottle of wine, some pizza, and a box of tissues. The film was ready to be played on the tv and the couch was covered in blankets and pillows.

"So, are we ready?" Y/N asked when they sat down, smiling up at Harry.

"Yeah, I think," he chuckled.

Halfway through the movie, after eating and drinking, she was crying and sniffling loudly, snuggling into herself on the left side of the couch, while Harry looked at her sadly.

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