Hurt - Peter Parker

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It was unusual seeing her crush Peter knocking on her bedroom window at one a.m., a well-known suit hugging his body perfectly as the lights from the city illuminated his face.

"Peter?" She said as she opened the window to let him in, the chilly autumn air making her shiver.

"Y/N, help me," he whispered, dropping to the ground as soon as his feet landed on the floor, hissing in pain.

"Peter, what happened?" She asked, a worried tone in her voice.

"I-I got hurt. This time is just so bad," he broke down, resting his head on her shoulder, crying.

"Peter, you're gonna be fine, let me see where you hurt yourself," she whispered as she held his face in her hands. He got out of the suit Mr.Stark gifted him with her help before letting her touch the big bruises on his chest, arms, legs and the big cut crossing his stomach.

She immediately got to the bathroom to get the first-aid kit before crouching down next to his frame, her soft hands trembling from being so near him. She first cleaned the cuts on his face, then took care of the big cut as well as she could with the rubbing alcohol.

"P-Peter, I think I should bring you to the hospital," she whispered, a whimper coming from his lips as he heard the words.

"No, please Y/N. I'm gonna be fine tomorrow, I-I just need some rest," he cried softly. She nodded as she put a big band-aid on the wound and then helped him up to her bed.

As she was about to leave, he called out her name, a chill running up her spine.

"Y/N, stay with me, please. I need you with me,"

And she did. She laid down next to his sleepy frame, all she could do was stare. And at that point, she realized that who she fell in love with wasn't just the goofy boy next door, but also the hero everyone talked about. The one that risked his life to save the others and that just right now was laying in her arms. She kissed his forehead, whispering a small 'I love you' thinking he was asleep.

But at that moment he was shocked: the girl he had been loving for the past few years just confessed her feelings for him, and they were cuddling.

He rested his head on her chest, groaning softly as he felt her hands running through his chocolate curls.

He realized he couldn't let her go, not when she was the one he could trust and love for the rest of his life, and that's how it started.

Feb 06, 2020

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