"Trick or treat?" - Shawn Mendes

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"Trick or treat?" Clary screams when she rings the doorbell of one of the last houses of the night. A tall familiar frame opened the door, making her scream happily.

"Hi, " he said with a smile as he reached for the bowl full of candies near his door.

"I know you!" Clary giggled. "You are the guy my auntie loves. She has posters of you all over her room" she said, emphasizing the 'all' with her arms.

"Oh wow," he said, chuckling.

"I'm sorry, she likes to talk a lot" I apologized to the guy.

"It's okay, she's adorable, " he said as he bent down on his knees. "What's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Clary, and this is my mummy, Leilani"

"Hi Clary, hi Leilani. I'm Shawn" he said softly as he got up on his feet again, looking at me. "It's really late, do you want me to drive you home?" he asked politely.

"No, don't worry. We're gonna walk" I said, not wanting to bother him.

"But mummy, I'm so cold" Clary whined.

"C'mon, I'm gonna drive you"


"Thanks, Shawn, " I said as he pulled up to our small house. Clary was asleep on the backseat, Shawn's hoodie on top of her to warm her up.

"You can keep the hoodie, I have more at home, " he said as he waved from his car.

"Thanks, again, " I say before opening the door to our house.

"Oh, look who's home" my drunk boyfriend slurred from the couch. "The slut came home with her stupid puppy," he said, slapping my face, the sound made Clary wake up.

"Let her out of this," I said as she started crying. I ran away from him, closing me and my daughter in my room. She held Shawn's hoodie in her arms as she cried.


A couple of days nights later, there I was: laid on the ground as he kicked me in the stomach, blood falling from my nose, my left eye was swollen and blue because of his punches. And Clary had to see all of that.

She came home from kindergarten hugging Shawn's hoodie and the drunk guy in my home was mad about it. He was about to hit her, but I saved her from his agony.

His phone rang, making him stop hitting me. I lifted myself up, took my purse and lifted Clary up in my arms. We were leaving, I was done with him.

I walked through the streets, a scarf covering my face, hiding the tears. A car pulled up next to me. It was Shawn. He saw that there was something wrong, so he lifted both of us in his car and he drove to his house.

When we arrived, Clary finally stopped crying, falling into a deep slumber.

"Shawn, where can she sleep?" I asked him.

"Give her to me, I'll bring her to my bedroom," he said. I waited for him to come back, awkwardly standing in his living room.

I heard his footsteps before he stopped in front of me, he slowly slid the scar off my face.

He brought me to the nearest bathroom, lifting me on top of the counter so I could be eye-level with him while he cleaned the wounds.

"Was it your boyfriend?" he asked, eyes locked with mine.

"Yes. I'm gonna leave him after this. It's already happened a few times and I don't want Clary to be hurt" I say softly, eyes looking at the window behind him so he wouldn't notice the tears.

He used his thumb and pointer finger to lift my chin up, tears finally spilling out of my eyes.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, Leilani. You're going to be okay. You need to file a report, though. He needs to be stopped" he said softly.

"Yeah" I wiped away the tears, hugging the tall boy standing in front of me.

"Thank you, for everything"


Shawn offered us to stay for how long we wanted with him since we didn't actually have a house to live in, and after just a couple weeks, we already looked like a family. He loved Clary to death, and I and him were really close to each other.

One night, we were cuddled in his bed, we were face to face, my hand was on his naked chest as h were on my hips, holding me close to him.

"Who's Clary's dad?" he asked out of the blue. "It's okay if you don't want to answer"

"My ex. The one who hit me" I start.

"I met him in high school. He was that one kid that used to stick around with the popular football players, the one that was really fun to talk to. When I discovered I was pregnant I was only 16, he wanted me to abort it, but I didn't"

"He started to change, he left me alone during the whole pregnancy and returned with a whole bunch of apologies when Clary was born, asking to be there for his kid. I accepted, I couldn't say no to some extra help and money, so me and Clary stayed at his house. Turns out it was a huge mistake" I chuckle sadly.

"You know I'm here for you, right? I want the best for you and Clary" Shawn said softly.

"Yeah, thank you so much. I wouldn't know what to do right now if you didn't help us" I truthfully said.

He leaned closer, making our lips touch. His soft plump lips left mine a couple minutes later, letting our foreheads meet. We heard some small footsteps coming towards the bedroom.

"I've had a bad dream" my four-year-old daughter cried in front of the bed.

"Come here baby" I whispered to her. She laid in between me and Shawn, slowly falling asleep with us.

"Goodnight, Shawn" I sleepily whispered to him.

"Goodnight, Lani"

"Goodnight, mummy and daddy"

Oct 31, 2019

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