Girlfriends' Day - (Mendes Triplets)

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Girlfriends' Day at the Mendes' was something special, especially for Aaliyah, the triplets' little sister, but that time it was even more eventful with Peter bringing home a girl for the first time after a while.

Shawn was having the best time of his life with three albums, a world tour that he just ended, and a really supportive girlfriend, while Raul worked as a nurse at the Toronto General Hospital where he met his fianceè.

Peter was holding in his hands their family's company, being the CEO of one of the biggest industries in the world made it difficult for him to find a girl who wasn't interested in his bank account, and that was what bothered his brothers the most.

"So, Peter, how are things with Y/N?" His dad asked, hands holding his chin on the kitchen counter as he tried to catch up with his sons after dinner.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to ask too," Karen said as she leaned against the stove after cleaning up.

"Things have been going great, I mean, I told her she could move in with me because she had a hard time at home and yeah, it's really serious," Peter said with a smile, looking at his lover in the living room with the rest of the girls, his parents both happy with the response.

"Really, dude?" Raul scoffed. "You barely even know her! What if she's just acting to get to your money?!"

"I fell in love with her the moment I saw her, Raul, and I know for a fact she's not that type of person. Why can't you shut up for once!" The younger brother said, his voice rising slightly.

"I agree with Raul," Shawn said, disappointing his parents and brother even more. And at that moment, Peter realized how much his siblings' opinions affected him, his breathing shortened as his eyes got blurry with tears.

"Peter, hun, are you okay?" His mum asked him, a worried tone in her voice.

"I need help," he muttered in between breaths, loud enough for Y/N to hear from the living room.

She quickly made her way to the kitchen, a worried look on her face as she saw the state her boyfriend was in. It wasn't the first time she saw him like that, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to breathe, maybe for stress, maybe for an overwhelming situation.

She stood in between his legs as he sat on a stool, his hands on his face as he sobbed quietly.

"Peter, baby, what did we say the last time? Breathe through your nose and let the air out of your mouth," she whispered, taking his big hands away from his eyes, kissing the back of them.

"Look at me, bubs. I'm here with you, you're gonna be okay," she whispered again, caressing his cheek. A few minutes later, his breathing was back to normal as she wiped away the tears from his face. She left a small kiss on his forehead before turning around to the rest of the family.

Aaliyah was crying on her mum's chest, Shawn and Raul were both really shocked as they explained the situation to their girlfriends, just to get scolded at by them.

"Guys, I'm fine," he chuckled as he saw the state his family was in, hugging Y/N close to his body.

"Peter, I-I'm sorry," Shawn said. "I'm really sorry Pete," Raul said too.

"It's fine guys," Peter said as he pulled them both in a hug, the only way to show them he wasn't mad.

"Just, maybe apologize to Y/N too," he laughed as he pulled away, a grin on his face as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's waist, a punch being thrown to his shoulder by her to scold him.

"Wonder triplets," Shawn said, raising his fist so they could punch it.

"Wonder triplets," Raul and Peter said in unison, pulling a giggle out of everyone before going back to the conversations they were having before: Karen and Manny with their sons in the kitchen and Aaliyah and the girls in the living room, some music lightly playing in the background as the smell of tea surrounded all of them.

Jan 22, 2020

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