Someone Like You - Tom Holland (Firefighter AU)

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Summary: After a fire almost ended her life, Y/N couldn't help but owe one to the firefighter that saved her, who brings her into his life as his fake girlfriend.

Tom had never seen a fire like that before in real life, maybe in films, but not in London. The house was on fire, and the whole squad looked pretty shocked when they first stopped the fire truck in the middle of the street.

It took him a half-hour to find the girl everyone was talking about, the one that lived inside the burnt-down house. Her face was covered in scratches and ash, her eyes closed as he took off his helmet to put it on her head.

He was sure it looked like one of those movie scenes, where the hero carried bridal-style his girl away from a dangerous situation, looking extremely sexy and powerful at the same time. But he was no hero, he was just a firefighter, and his job was to be sure the girl was okay.

"Holland! Take care of her, the ambulance is on its way, we have this covered," Mike, the chief, yelled, looking extremely tired. Tom quickly laid her on the ground, took his helmet off her head, and checked her vitals, a sigh of relief left his lips when he felt air coming out of her nose.

"You're gonna be fine, I swear, you're gonna be fine..." he whispered, his hand moving some stray hair from her forehead.

How she was still alive, he didn't know, and he knew he couldn't have left her side when the ambulance arrived. She was peaceful when they carried her on a stretcher, curled in a ball, and his eyes couldn't leave her small body.

The ride to the hospital wasn't long, with Tom sitting by her side while a nurse checked her vitals again, and before he knew it, she was laying in a hospital bed. She was connected to various machines, an oxygen tube settled in her nostrils to help her breathe, looking miserable. Her right leg was in a cast, her ribs almost broken.

He spent the rest of the night on his uncomfortable chair, half-awake as he waited for the girl to wake up, his backache killing him.  Morning came by slowly, and just the thought of having a cup of tea made his day a whole lot better. He was quick to make his way in the cafeteria to make his drink, smiling at the lady at the register when he paid and going back in the small room.

He didn't expect to see the girl awake, looking out of the window with a confused look, her hand just above her casted leg.

"What happened to me and why can't I move?" She asked suddenly, sounding utterly mad. "Also, who are you?"

"I-I'm Tom," he stuttered, closing the door behind himself. "And, uhm, you were in a fire,"

"A fire?" She chuckled, shaking her head. "I don't believe you,"

"I'm a firefighter," Tom pointed out, her gaze falling on his gear. "And I was the one who saved you,"

She fell silent, analyzing the boy standing in front of her hospital bed. The clothing looked professional, and his face was still dirty with ash. Her eyes went back to looking out of the window, tears forming in them.

"What burnt down?" She asked, biting her lip.

"I think it was your house,"

She let the tears fall, sobs shaking her body as realization hit her, a frown making its way on her lips. "Just- leave, and call a nurse, thanks,"

Tom reluctantly left the room to call a doctor, a hand running through his greasy hair as he sighed. The girl was homeless, with no family or friends in her emergency contacts, she was hurt, and needed someone to take care of her.  

He sat outside her room, his eyes screwed shut as he thought about bringing her to his home, to help her get a job, to try and get her back to her feet, to just help her.

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