Grandparents [Amelie] - Shawn Mendes

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A week later, I and Shawn decided to bring Amelie to Karen and Manny's house, so she could meet her grandparents.

The drive wasn't long, the usual 45 minutes we have been taking to go there for the past two years, and Amelie really enjoyed listening to her dad's music on our way.

We found out she loved his music a couple of days after we brought her home and told her that Shawn was famous. She wanted to listen to one of his songs but eventually found herself dancing to his whole five albums and tiring herself out.

She was holding both mine and Shawn's hands when we reached the doorway. She pushed herself on her tiptoes and rang the doorbell, a small smile on her face.

Karen opened the door with Manny standing behind her. Amelie was confused at first, she didn't know who those two people were.

"Hi ma'am, hi sir. Mama, I think we got the wrong house" She whispered to me, a hand covering her face.

"No baby, it's the right one. These people are daddy's parents, your grandparents" I said, pulling her inside the house to take off her coat and sparkly shoes.

"Really?" She excitedly asked, jumping slightly.

"Yeah" Shawn answered.

"I've never had a grandma or a grandpa before!" She said. "Hi, grandparents. I'm Amelie" She waved softly.

"We already know, honey, " Manny said as he picked her up, holding her small hand.

"We are making brunch, wanna help us?" Karen asked her.

"Yeah!" She screamed happily.

She was standing on top of a chair to reach the counter and she had an old small apron on. She was helping Manny with the smoothies while I and Shawn helped Karen with the waffles and pancakes.

The food was amazing and Amelie had lots of fun with her grandparents, but it wasn't the end. Aaliyah was about to come over with her boyfriend because she wanted to meet her niece and we were all so excited.

The doorbell rang and Amelie ran to the door, having a bit of trouble to open it. Aaliyah and Noah were on the other side, she was holding a present in her hands and a cake was in her boyfriend's hand.

"Hi! You must be Amelie!" The 20-year-old said.

"Are you aunt Aaliyah?" Our daughter asked.

"Yup! And this is my boyfriend Noah" She said as she made her way inside the house to hug the little girl.

"Daddy, you have such a big family!" Amelie said.

"Baby, this is also your family now, they won't leave you," Shawn said as he took her small hands in his big ones.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"FAMILY, YOU KNOW I LIKE HUGS?" She screamed happily some seconds later, some chuckles coming from everyone's mouths.

We were so lucky... 

Dec 04, 2019

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