Liar - Harrison Osterfield (Modern Prince AU, Soulmates AU)

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Summary: Everyone is given a journal that they can use to write to their soulmate on their 20th birthday, and when Y/N finally talks to the love of her life for the first time, she doesn't realize how many secrets their relationship lies on.

Y/N sighed as she looked down at the journal in her hands, the sound of the waves lulling her. The setting sun shone against her face as she sat on the wet sand near the water, her fingers tightly wrapped around her mother's fountain pen, physically ready to write her first words to her soulmate.

She was nervous, almost scared to open the dark green leather cover of her new journal as she looked at the clear water poking at her toes. Her hand finally moved on its own, lifting the first page to see a date, the fourth of July of the prior year. Her fingers caressed the messy unknown handwriting, reading the broken words scribbled by her other half.

God, I want to run away from this. I want to be normal, I want to be free. I want to have normal friends, a normal life without having to be me.

Y/N let her eyes memorize every single shape noted on the thin piece of paper, reading another line they had untidily written.

I wish someone was here to understand me, to treat me like they don't know who I am, who my parents are.

She quickly turned the page around, sighing when she didn't see new words anymore. She was hesitant to write her first words, but when the tip of her pen slowly found the paper, her nerves instantly turned into excitement.

I know how you feel, trust me. I'm the girl that everyone pities because of the death of her parents, and there's not a day where I don't wish I could be somebody else. But, in the end, we will be alright.

She felt a smile form on her lips as soon as she lifted the pen from the diary, mindlessly wrapping her lips around its end before shutting the journal. She quickly stood up and patted the sand away from her jeans, ready to make her way back to her house. 

She held the small book tightly around her chest, strangely feeling a connection to it already, opening the door to her little cabin. She was deep in her thoughts, trying to imagine a life with someone else, with the love of her life. Trying to imagine how it felt to really be in love with someone, to feel wanted or missed.

She was rather excited to see what her soulmate was going to respond, but confused thoughts seemed to be the only thing clouding her head. As the system said, they were going to fall in love easily, hanging out together was going to feel natural, and they were going to have their future set before they knew it, but was she able to do that? Was she able to live her life inside a fairytale with someone she barely even knew?

Y/N shook her head, quickly piling her food on a plate before turning around, seeing the journal open, new words were written just under hers. She almost dropped the plate in amazement, remembering how she had left the book closed on the dining table just before she had started to make dinner, but walked closer so she could see the new lines written by them.

You're finally here. Your silence for the past year scared me. We should be somebody else together, you know? We would finally get the opportunity to live a different life together. - H

She giggled quietly, tracing the 'H' they left at the end of their note with her delicate fingers, grabbing the pen next to the journal to write a response back, the smile not leaving her lips.

Living a new life together, huh? Seems like a plan to me. My silence scared you? - Y/N 

She slowly sat beside the diary, focusing on eating her meal before letting her eyes fall back on the paper, new words written by H right under hers. Her heartbeat sped up as soon as she read his lines, a light sense of sadness making her chest burn.

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