035. Return

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IT HAD BEEN three days since Pietro had scared Gemini into a panic attack with a clown mask. Since then, Gemini had hardly left her room (only leaving for food and the bathroom). She didn't want to see anyone if she was being honest. She didn't want to face the sympathy glances or the questions. She really hated the pair of them.

The only person Gemini had really seen, was Bucky. She knew Pietro felt horrible about what he'd done, especially after getting bollocked by Gemini's siblings, Tony, Nat and Clint. Bucky wasn't happy about it but he didn't bring it up to Pietro after seeing the many punishments, threats and (actual) hits he received (mainly from Natasha) and him relentlessly apologising to him before Bucky finally told him to stop.

Gemini currently lay on her bed, her head in Bucky's lap 'talking' with him. 

"Are you working today?" He asked her. Pulling her out her phone, she quickly pulled up her calendar before nodding. He smirked at her unbothered reaction to it. "What's going on tonight? Crazy Quiz? Karaoke?"

Gemini had to check her phone again, seeing if Taury was working. She wasn't. 'Shit.' Gemini thought knowing she would be dealing with Candy on her own. "Half price drinks, courtesy of myself and Josephine." Bucky chuckled at Joe's nickname.

"I'm guessing Tony'll be there then." She laughed, nodding in agreement. "Which means I'll probably see you before you get home." She looked to him confused. "Tony normally makes us come with him for drinks." She shrugged in reply.

"Fair enough. By the way, if I look like I'm going to hurt a brown haired Latina, please come and rescue me from committing a severe crime." Bucky laughed at her before cutting himself off. "I'm serious, I don't like her."

"Then why does she work at The Raven?" Bucky shot back.

"Because she needed a job and Nate was feeling nice. He doesn't like her either now, she's just bitchy." Bucky nodded, trying to understand the situation. "She also called Theo a dumb prick and Taury a spoilt little bitch that does everything for attention."

"Don't you call Theo stupid?" He asked confused.

Gemini nodded. "Yeah, I do and so do my siblings, but that's different. Candy doesn't know Theo like me or Nate or Toni do. We joke with him about being stupid, and he knows we're joking. Candy, however, insulted him when he forgot to grab a casing of beer when he went down to the cellar to get some." She explained. "Theo has ADD...Attention Deficit Disorder, he'd forgotten what he went down to the cellar for, came back up to ask only to be insulted by Candy for not getting what she wanted. She's just a rude bitch."

Bucky nodded, kissing her head. "If I see you ready to commit a crime against a brown haired Latina, I will rescue you." She thanked him before pulling herself up off of her bed. "You're actually leaving your room for something other than food." He earned himself a glare and a single finger gesture from Gemini. He held his hands up in surrender. "I'm kidding. I'm happy you're doing it." 

Speechless- B*BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now