048. Camping Trip

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BUCKY STARED AT the ceiling of Gemini's room. He'd been unable to get a proper sleep that passing night, only gaining up to two hours of rest. His bare arm was wrapped around his girlfriend's shoulders. His mind had wandered hours ago, making him not realise when Gemini had shuffled in her sleep or when she woke up. He fully came out of his thoughts when she kissed his shoulder.

"Penny for your thoughts." She offered him, he smirked rubbing his eyes with his hand. "Did you get any sleep, bub?" She asked, turning onto her stomach, and holding his face in her hand.

He shook his head. "Not much." He answered honestly. "I don't know, doll. Just couldn't drift off and my head started wandering." She nodded, kissing his shoulder again. "I'll be alright." He assured her. 

She tilted her head, smiling at him. He kissed her lightly. She crawled on top of him giving her the high ground. Bucky smirked at her, squeezing her hips right before flipping them around and kissing down her neck, sucking on her sweet spot.

He smirked when he heard her moan right before disappearing under the covers.


Gemini rubbed her stiff neck. Walking into the living, Bucky just behind her, they saw the others scattered around the room. Hopping onto a chair, Bucky grabbed her a glass of apple juice. She thanked him, sipping from the glass. 

She sighed, rubbing her neck again. "Did you sleep funny?" She jumped at the sound of Nat's voice. "Sorry. Did you sleep funny, Gem?" She shrugged, rolling her neck around her shoulders in a circular motion. Nat smirked, patting her back.

As if by magic, like that wasn't how it probably happened, Taury appeared holding up breakfast food for her friend. "I got bored." She admitted making Gem laugh as she dropped the pancakes on the table in front of her.

"I don't tell you I love you enough." Gemini's phone admitted, she was too tired to sign to her best friend as she sat beside her. 

Taury's finger poked her best friend in the neck softly after noticing a prominent purple bruise. "He did that?" She motioned to Bucky who scratched his neck awkwardly. "Jesus Christ, with how much you two bang, how the hell are you not pregnant?" 

Gemini shrugged, apologising with her eyes t Bucky. "He's got a strong pullout games."

Taury groaned. "I shouldn't have asked." Gemini laughed at her reaction, shaking her head. She began eating her pancakes happily. "So I got a text from Tony before, saying something spontaneous might be happening he just had to sort some things out."

"Like what?' Bucky asked her curiously, sitting across from her. 

She shrugged. "Fuck knows, it's Tony." She clarified, looking behind her to the man who was on his phone. None of them decided to question it until Tony clapped his hands together.

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