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Maverick's POV

Me and Alayah were currently driving back to her house. Tonight I had a lot of fun but I couldn't help but notice how quiet Alayah was. She'd been quiet the whole night and I don't know why. Silence consumed the entire drive other than Blinding Lights by The Weekend that was playing in the background.

I'd look over at Layah every so often to make sure she was ok. She looked like she wanted to say something but would stop herself from saying anything.

"Say it," I said glancing at her before turning back to the road.

"It's nothi-"

"Don't give me that shit Layah! Tell me what's wrong." She remained silent causing me to huff in frustration and run my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry for yelling but you know I don't like when you lie."

She didn't say anything for a while before she said, "I'll tell you everything when we get to my house."

I just said ok. 20 minutes later we made it to her house. I saw my Tesla in the driveway and raised an eyebrow. I thought my mom went home. We got out and walked in to find Jacoby, my mom, Alayah's dad and his girlfriend in the living room talking.

Alayah walked over and whispered something to my mom before her and my mom walked over to me. We walked outside and sat do on the patio.

"What's going on?" I said looking between my mom and Layah. My mom sighed and started speaking.

"Today me and your dad got into a physical altercation and he...h-he hit me and tried to strangle me but Alayah stopped him. I-I wanted to help her I did but-" She broke down crying before she could finish her sentence.

Alayah ran over to console her. I wanted to too but my rage was clouding my better judgment. Although I looked calm I was fucking livid. I clinched my fist and jaw and I could feel my ears getting hot. Alayah continued to talk before I got anymore ideas.

"H-He slapped me and I fell into the kitchen cabinets-"

"Is that how you busted your lip?"

"Yes, but-"

All I saw was red. Before she could say any thing, I got up and started striding towards the patio doors. I'm going to kill him. Not only did he put his hands on my mom but Alayah too.

A man that hits a woman isn't a man, he's a bitch. I was so fucking mad I couldn't even use the word mad to describe the rage I was feeling. Just as I was about to ripe the patio doors open, I felt someone tug my arm and pull me back. I lowly growled before yanking my arm away from the person.

"Don't try to stop me," I said deathly calm without turning around. My voice held finality, telling them there was no room for arguing. The person talking wasn't the Maverick everyone has grown to know and love—this was Giovanni, the son of Don Giovanni.

I started walking again with the person still holding onto my arm. I could hear them struggling to pull me back but to no avail. I continued walk, pulling them with me until I heard I heard sniffling. It was like I was broken out of my hate-incited trance.

I hadn't noticed Alayah had wrapped both her arms around mine in a futile attempt to stop me. "Please," I heard her say between her hiccups. "Don't Maverick, please." Suddenly, she turned me around to face her.

She grabbed my face and pulled me down to her height and said, "Maverick whatever the fuck you're about to do don't please! Me and your mom are fine and I don't want you to get hurt again ok?! It's not worth it! He's not worth it! If not for your mom, do it for me ok?!" and wrapped her arms around my neck before I could answer.

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