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Maverick's POV

I finally found the cafeteria 10 minutes later. I walked in it was if everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me. Well everyone knows who I am now. I sighed and walked further into the cafeteria. I scanned the lunchroom looking for Toby or Jesus or even Rachel. My eyes landed on Toby. She was sitting alone when I approached her. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" I said.

"Yes, I do actually," she said.

I looked at her dumbfounded. She laughed. "Of course not Allegretti," she said.

I sighed in relief and sat down. "So how's your first day at Storm Coast High been going?" she said fake overenthusiastically. I rolled my eyes and said, "It's been absolutely fan-fucking-tastic!" with a fake smile. We both laughed. She's pretty cool...weird...but cool. "Wanna go off campus and get real food?" I offered. "I thought you'd never ask she said!" practically jumping up from her seat. As we were walking out of the cafeteria, I felt a few eyes on us. On instinct, I turned around and saw her. I made a face of irritation and turned back around to continue walking.

"So technically we're not supposed to leave campus for food but who gives a fuck?" she said.

I just shrugged my shoulders. "So we'll have to sneak out of the side of the school so be quiet!" she whisper-yelled. I nodded my head. We were walking down the hallway then we turned left, right, then left again until we were at a door. We were about to exit when we heard someone yell "Hey!" then we started to run. I already had my car keys in my hand. "Go, go, go!" Toby yelled. We were in the car speeding off and as we looked back we saw and out of breath security guard. We laughed until we couldn't breathe.

"I can't believe we made it!" she said.

"Have you never successfully escaped school until now?" I said.

She shook her head. "Nope."

"Toby!" I said laughing.

"Ok, so where are we going?" I asked her. "Wendy's!" she yelled. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I put Wendy's into my GPS. "Your car smells like cigarettes," she said. "Well that happens when you smoke cigarettes in a car," I said in a duh tone. As we were driving she kept asking me questions.

"Why do you smoke?"

"Did you buy this car? It's an older model so how'd you get it?"

"How old are you?"

"Do you live in a mansion?"

"Do you have any siblings?"

I interrupted her query. "TOBY!" I chuckled at her. She was pouting and looking out the window defeated.

"I'll answer your questions later but not right now," I said.

"Fine," she said.

The car fell silent after that. I decided to turn on the radio and Queen Don't Stop Me Now was playing. I started humming to the lyrics when I heard Toby singing the lyrics too. Suddenly we were both yelling the lyrics at the top of our lungs together. "'CAUSE I'M HAVING A GOOD TIME, HAVING A GOOD TIME I'M A SHOOTING STAR, LEAPING THROUGH THE SKY LIKE A TIGER DEFYING THE LAWS OF GRAVIITYYYYYYY I'M A RACING CAR, PASSING BYYYYY LIKE LADY GODIVA I'M GONNA GO, GO, GO, THERE'S NO STOPPING MEEEEEEEE!"

We broke out into a fit of laughter. I haven't laughed this hard since we moved from New York. This is nice. We had finally arrived at Wendy's. I order the 4 for 4 and Toby order a salad. I looked at her strangely. Of all things, a salad? "I'm a vegetarian." My formed an 'O' and I nodded my head in realization. Jeez, Maverick way to go. I gave the lady a $20 and she gave me the change and our orders. I parked in the Wendy's parking lot and we ate our food in a comfortable silence.

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