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Alayah's POV

The game had gone into overtime. Both teams were on edge because the slightest mistake could cost them the championship. I knew our team was stressed but I also knew Maverick would hold them together because he was an amazing leader.

Storm Coast was in the lead with 7-0. There was only a minute left and we were on our last down. I was basically on the edge of my seat. I felt my heart speed up as my vision started to play everything as if it was in slow motion.

I saw Maverick zig-zag through the horde of Savanna Cove players and signal to Damian that he was open. Damien faked it to Cameron before he started running. Maverick ran to the end zone and just as Damien was about to get tackled, he threw the ball towards Maverick. Damian threw the ball a little too high so I didn't think he'd catch it. I stared in amazement as Maverick jumped high into the air at an angle. He soared through the air and just barely caught the ball with one hand.

As soon as he landed on his feet our team started cheering. I was yelling and screaming as I jumped up and down hugging Leah. We started to chant our schools incantation as the boys celebrated down on the field. I watched as Maverick looked around the crowd until he miraculously found my face. A grin spread across his face as he started jogging towards us.

Once he was in front of me I didn't get the chance to congratulate him before he kissed me deeply. My hands found their way to his cheeks as I held his face. There was no pint in denying Maverick and I had something going on to my friends. They saw it clear as day on the jumbotron. I pulled away with a smile on my face.

"You won."

He gave me a lopsided grin. "Losing wasn't an option."


After the game, we went out to eat to celebrate their win. The restaurant we went to gave us our meals on the house because they'd won the championship. We were seated in a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"So you guys are officially official!" Leah squealed from beside Don.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. "Yes Leah," I said holding up Maverick and I's intertwined hands.

"It was only a matter of time," Kenny said shrugging his shoulders.

Everyone hummed in agreement before they started laughing but I could care less. We held out intertwined hands under the table as he drew light circles on the exposed part of my knee. We whispered quietly to ourselves with goofy grins our faces as our noses slightly nuzzled the side of our necks.

"Ew look at them," Seven said grotesquely.

Leah hit his shoulder. "Shush. It's cute. They're in their own little world," she gushed as she looked at us with an emotion I could only describe as pride. "Aht aht aht chill out! You just made because y'all ain't got no boo's!" I said pointing at the boys as I liked to call them.

"I got me a girl so I don't know what you talkin' about," Damian said.

We all snapped out heads towards him. "Really who?" I said curiously.

"Nice try but I ain't tellin' none of y'all," he said with a satisfied smile on his face. "How you goin' bring up the fact you have a girlfriend then not answer our question?" Kenny said looking dumbfounded. "Because I can," he said in a 'duh' tone. We just laughed and changed the topic.

We talked and laughed all night. By 1 in the morning, we decided to call it a night. I asked my dad if I could sleep over Leah's house and he said alright. What I didn't tell him was that I was actually going to sleep over at Maverick's

Whoops ;)

The car ride to his house was silent. His hand rested on my knee as he drove. Just his touch sent shocks up my leg and throughout my body. We pulled into his driveway and Maverick walked over to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"Thank you baby," I said with a smile on my face as I shrugged my duffle bag onto my shoulder.

"Anything for you," he said, his voice thick with want


That sent a shiver down my spine. I pulled myself together and started walking towards the door. "Where's your mom?" I asked as we walked into a dark and quiet house. Usually the house is lit up at night from top to bottom with old Italian music playing softly in the background.

"I dunno," Maverick said quietly from beside me. "I think we should go."

"Where?" I said walking towards the wall to turn on the light.

"Uh, I don't know to the beach house?" he said as his eyes darted around frantically looking for something unknown to me.


"I- Uh- I don't like being home alone."

"Why are you lying to me Maverick?"

"Alayah let's go now!" he whispered harshly.

"Maverick you're scaring me," I said but nevertheless walked over to him. As I reached to turn off the light to the foyer I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and an arm wrap around my chest. My eyes widened as I tried to scream. The person pulled me against their chest where I felt their hot breath fanning over my neck.

I watched as Maverick's face contorted in anger and charge at the person who held me but another person came from out of nowhere with a gun pointed towards him. I looked on speechless and scared. I was shivering and I felt like I was going to pee on myself.

"Beh, non sei una cosina carina?" (Well, aren't you a pretty little thing?) he said before he removed the hand that covered my mouth and squeezed the sides of my face.

"Non toccarla in quel modo!" (Don't you fucking touch her like that!) Maverick growled out before he was interrupted by the person with the guns' laughter.

"Per uno con le palle al muro, hai fegato," (For someone with their balls to the wall, you've got guts) they said followed by more jocose laughter. A humorless chuckle left Maverick's lips before he looked the person in the eye with an emotionless face. I had never seen Maverick like this. It was like I was looking at a completely different person.

The person had released my face but his arm remained around me. I had so many questions but I didn't dare speak. I didn't want to dig myself into a deeper hole.

"Vi do 30 secondi per lasciarla andare o vi uccido entrambi," (I'll give you 30 seconds to let her go or I'm going to kill both of you) he said calmly making both of the men laugh this time. "Ci ucciderai?" (You're going to kill us?) the person with the gun said before laughing again. "Non so se l'hai notato ma sei in minoranza di 2 a 1 ragazzo." (I don't know if you've noticed but you're outnumbered 2 to 1 boy.)

Now it was Maverick's turn to laugh. "Sono più uomo di quanto tu non sarai mai. Non sono io quello che ha tenuto prigioniera una donna per poter ottenere ciò che volevano," (I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. I'm not the one holding a woman captive so they could get their way) Maverick spat with so much venom and malice. He slowly started walking towards us. "Hai ancora 10 secondi," (You have 10 more seconds) he said before the person that was holding me whipped out a gun and placed it to my temple.

My eyes involuntarily closed, allowing some of the tears that welled up to fall. "Please," I said so quietly I didn't think anyone heard me.

Why me Lord?! I don't want to die! Not like this!

Maverick didn't seem to care in the slightest. I just told myself he was acting. "Tempo scaduto," (Times up) he said before he looked at me and said, "Duck." I did as he said as best as I could when I heard something quiet swoosh past the back of my head. The hold the person holding me hostage had on me became slack before they fell to the ground backward. I looked to the right of me and the person that had a gun to Maverick had fallen too. I looked at them closer and nearly threw up at my realization.

They had both been shot in the head.

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