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Alayah's POV
a few days later

It was the day of Maverick's championship and I couldn't have been more excited. The Storm Coast Hurricane's had made it to Nationals 8-0, which is due to Maverick's amazing skills. That boy can play. I knew he could go pro easily and there were already some colleges that wanted to take him on but he told me he didn't want to play football in college.

When I asked him why the hell not, he said, "Football isn't really my thing."

Football isn't really my thing my ass...

I didn't question him any farther even though that's all I wanted to do. I was currently in the passenger's seat of Gryffin's car as he sped down the road to my house. Since both Maverick and Don were on the football team and had to leave for the championship at Savanna Cove, Leah and I caught a ride with Gryff.

"So how does it feel to be dating the football team's best player?" I heard Gryff say from beside me. I blushed and hid the stupid smile that spread across my face.

"Shut up. He is not my boyfriend."

"He's too pussy to ask me..." I thought as Leah and Gryff laughed.

"Hardy har har," I said crossing my arms.

"We both know that's a lie Layah," Gryff said with a smile on his face.

"W-Well you're pretty quiet Leah. Your boyfriend's on the team too!"

"Don't flip this on me! We're talking about your man." They started giggling like a couple of schoolgirls.

"Whatever," I mumbled hoping they'd drop the subject. Thankfully they did and we continued on our way to my house. Once we go there, Gryffin was instantly pulled into Jacoby's room. The door shut before Gryffin could say anything, leaving me and Leah speechless.

Even though Jacoby had his own apartment, he stayed here all the time so I'm no my surprised he's was here.

I shrugged my shoulders before walking to my room. The game was at 7 but we were going to leave 6 so we could get there on time. I threw my bookbag aside along with my shoes and flopped on my bed.

"Let's watch a movie," Leah said getting on top of me.

"Alright," I said from underneath her.


I woke up with a start. Gryffin had shaken me awake, scaring me half to death.

"What?! What happened?!" I questioned groggily through closed eyes.

"We have to go to the game!! Hurry up!" All tiredness fled my body as my eyes snapped open. "Shit!" I said as I hopped out of bed and ran to my closet to pick out an outfit. "What time is it?!" I yelled to Gryffin.

"5:30," he said making me groan. "Why didn't you come earlier?!"

"I thought you guys were awake getting ready!"

"Ugh!" I said as I started throwing an outfit together. I was done three minutes later. I walked out of the closet with my clothes to my bathroom to take a shower and change. "Please wake up Leah, Gryff," I more so told than asked him. "Roger!" he said from behind the door. "Meet us down in the car!" I heard him say.

Us? Who is 'us'?

I quickly hopped in the shower for no more than ten minutes before I got out and started to get dressed. I slipped on a tie-dye t-shirt and ripped jeans with some Nike Air Max 720s in the color Sea Forest.

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