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Maverick's POV

I watched Alayah as she slept peacefully in my arms. If someone had told me I'd fall head over heels in love with the girl of my dreams two years ago I would've laughed in their face. Guys like me never have a fairy tale ending. I'm one lucky son of a bitch that's for sure.

I gently placed her head on the pillow before I got up. It was still pretty early in the morning so Alayah wouldn't be awake for a while. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before I got dressed since I had taken a shower yesterday night. I put on a white dress shirt, black slacks, and some dress shoes. I rolled up the sleeves on my dress shirt and left a few of the buttons undone.

I quietly slipped out of the room and made my way to the first floor. I entered the conference room without knocking. All of my men were already present and seated. The seat at the head of the table was left unoccupied. The Don's Seat. I made my way over to the head of the table and sat down.

I looked up to find everyone staring at me including Carter, the IT guy, and his team. I played my elbow on the table before I motioned with my hand to proceed.

"Cominciamo." (Let's begin.)


As it turns out, Cristifano Bianchi's movements have been sporadic. He sent his foot soldiers to all of our locations in an attempt to seize our shipments but they were handled easily. Cristifano knew what would happen.

Dimitri also mentioned that Alayah and I's "ambush" might not have been an ambush at all. From what Dimitri reported, there was only two foot soldiers that night and after they were killed they found the presumed get away car set on fire. I'm assuming the men that ambushed us were on a suicide mission.

Upon hearing Dimitri's findings, Carter mentioned that there had been a sudden decrease in the Bianchi's attacks and all of the Bianchi's activity ceased. They were planning something and I'm going to put an end to it. I told Carter to keep me posted on any updates and dismissed the meeting.

I left the conference room frustrated and stressed. I couldn't come up with a reasonable reason as to why the Bianchi's would attack us then seemingly overnight disappear off the radar. I shuffled into the kitchen. I found my mother staring out the window sitting in the kitchen nook drinking tea. She turned to look at me when I entered the kitchen.

Sha gave me soft smile and motioned for me to sit next to her. "Buongiorno, amore mio," (Good morning, my love) she said kissing her forehead. "Buongiorno mamma," (Good morning mom) I mumbled rubbing a hand over my face. "What's wrong Gio?" she said, concern lacing her voice. Her face was contortied in worry with her eyebrows scrunched. I sighed and dismissed the question with "I'm fine."

She obviously didn't buy it but she remained quiet. Women in our line of work usually stay out of our business. It's better for them not to know.

Just then Alayah walked into the kitchen. She had on one of my shirts and some shorts but the shirt was so long it made it look like she wasn't wearing any pants. I didn't like that she was walking around the house like that but I had to admit that she looked adorable.

"Good morning," she said giving us a tired smile. I smiled as I watched her rifle through the refrigerator looking for something to eat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom giving me that all knowing smile. "Cosa?" (What?) I said looking at my mother and crossing my arms.

The smile remained on her face as she looked down and stirred her tea. "Nothing." (Niente.) I rolled my eyes and returned my gaze to mio angelo. She was at the kitchen island preparing herself some breakfast. She yawned that cute yawn she had and rubbed her eyes. I got up an walked to stand behind her. Damn I love this girl.


"Hi," she said softly as I started kissing her neck. "How did you sleep?" I said wrapping my arms around her waist. "Good," she said smiling up at me.

"I missed you this morning."

"Me too," I said pressing my not so secret erection into ass. She let out a soft gasp before she cleared her throat. "Maverick stop. Your mom is here!" she whisper yelled at me. I slowly rubbed myself against her ass making her grunt. "I don't care," I all but growled out.

"Aye, aye break it up," I heard Dimitri call before he entered the kitchen from behind us making me roll my eyes. "Не лезь не в своё дело, старик," (Mind you own business, old man) I barked out before I returned my head to the crook of Alayah's neck. Dimitri just laughed. "Babe stop," she whiper yelled trying to push me off. I knew by now she was flustered and embarrassed. I put her out of her misery and recutantly pulled away from her.

"I'm going upstairs," I said before I kissed her forehead. She smiled up at me and nodded her head. I left the kitchen and made my way upstairs giving curt nods to the people I passed on the way. As I was unbuttoning my shirt my phone started to buzz. I answered the phone without looking at the caller ID and instantly regretted it.

"Gio," said the gruff, thickly accented voice from the other line making me roll my eyes.

"Buongiorno padre," (Goodmorning father) I huffed into the phone as I looked for a t-shirt to put on.

"Presumo che il suo viaggio al rifugio sia stato un successo, giusto?" (I assume your journey to the safe house was successful, correct?)

"Sì." (Yes.)

He hummed before he asked, "Com'è andato l'incontro con Carter?" (How was the meeting with Carter?)

"Multa." (Fine.)

"E' meglio che non mandi tutto a puttane, Maverick," (You better not fuck this up, Maverick) he said using my first name. He didn't have to remind me. I knew if I fucked up he'd take me out of school and forbid me from going to college.

"Non ho intenzione di mandare tutto a puttane." (I'm not going to fuck this up.)

"Buono," (Good) he said before letting out a long breath. I guess he remembered something funny because he chuckled on his end of the receiver.

"Come sta la tua donna? Ha provato a correre come quella puttana di tua madre?" (How's your woman? Did she try to run like your whore of a mother?)

I clenched my jaw as I forcefully closed the door leading to closet. I was was seething. He has the nerve to call my mother out of her name after what he did. I was so mad I couldn't promise I wouldn't kill him if he was here. He had no right to talk about Alayah or my mom after what that bastard did to them. He was a psychotic, conceited son of a bitch and I wanted nothing but the worst for him.

"Non parlare di lei in questo mood," (Don't talk about her like that) I said through clenched teeth.

"Or what, Giovanni? You gonna cry like the bitch your mother turned you into?" I could practically hear the smirk on his face. I remained quiet. I was trying to calm myself down but it wasn't working. I balled my fists at my side and bit my tongue. I heard him laugh.

"Ancora facile come sempre mettersi sotto la pelle Maverick," (Still easy as ever to get under your skin Maverick) he said chuckling. "Di' ad Alayah che lo saluto." (Tell Alayah I said hello.)

He hung up before I could say fuck you.

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