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Maverick's POV

I held Alayah's braids out of her face as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She was crying too because she hates throwing up. I felt so helpless at this moment.

I didn't know what to do. I knew after tonight I would have to explain who those men were, meaning I'd have to tell her who I really am.

There's a silent alarm hidden underneath the table in the foyer for emergencies like these. I hit it almost immediately after we entered the house. I called some of my father's foot soldiers for help seeing as I didn't have my gun with me.

I can just imagine what my father would've said.

"You're going soft on me boy? You never leave your gun, figilo."

I knew something was off as soon as we walked through the door. I can't help but scold myself for being so foolish. I should've gotten her out of here quicker. I redirected my focus on the crying girl in front of me. I began to softly rub her back as her sobs reduced to hiccups.

"How do you feel baby?"

"Like shit," she mumbled.

I kissed her forehead before we heard a knock on the door. Alayah jumped and turned to me with panic written all over her face. I gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry bambina, they're with us," I said before I walked to the door and cracked it open. I came face to face with a curious-looking Dimitri. "Come sta?" (How's she doing?) I shrugged and ran a hand through my hair. "Si è sentita meglio." (She's felt better) I said glancing at her over my shoulder.

My poor baby.

"Erano i soldati di Bianchi." (They were Bianchi's soldiers.)

"Lo immaginavo." (I figured.)

"La squadra di pulizia dovrebbe arrivare presto. Dovreste prepararvi a partire. Partiamo per il rifugio tra mezz'ora." (The cleanup crew should be here soon. You should get ready to go. We're leaving for the safe house in half an hour.)

"Alayah è stato compromesso. Non la lascerò," (Alayah's been compromised. I'm not leaving her) I said sternly.

"E nessuno te lo chiede. Avevamo già preso accordi per farla venire." (And no one's asking you to. We had already made arrangements for her to come.)

"Grazie, Mitri." (Thank you, Mitri.)

"Non sa ancora cosa è successo stasera e probabilmente è spaventata e confusa. Devi dirglielo e faresti meglio a darle una bella ripassata prima di partire," (She still doesn't know what happened tonight and she's probably scared and confused. You have to tell her and you better give her the run down before we leave) he said before patting me on the shoulder and leaving.

I closed the door after he left and walked back over to Alayah. She looked up at me tiredly. She was now sitting on the edge of the tub. "What's going on Maverick?" she asked through gloss covered eyes. I huffed. I hated the position I was in. I would have to force her to take the oath of Omertà because that's the only way I'd be able to tell her everything.

"You are sworn by Omertà not to tell anybody anything I'm about to tell you."

"And if I do?"

I fell silent as I tried to think of a euphemism. "You and whoever you told will face...dire consequences."

I visibly saw her gulp before she nodded her head. I took a deep breath and exhaled in an attempt to calm my rapidly beating heart which did little to no help.

It's now or never.

"My family is apart of the mafia-"

I was cut off by her laughter. She was laughing quite hysterically. I thought I had finally pushed her over the edge. "Tesoro-"

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