Chapter 4

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Kade grinned as he wildly thrust into the squirming teary eyed woman under him. He had managed to grab her from the hallway, and with one stare the other servants had scattered. She was so beautiful, and seeing her like his made him feel....content. She was so warm, on the inside and outside. He liked it.

It didn't take long before he got his release, and he pulled out. Her eyes were on him, but she wasn't crying anymore. She looked at him with such contempt, that it made him laugh.

He pulled up his pants, and then crouched before her. She did not attempt to move, and kept staring at him, with fire in his eyes.

"Did you enjoy that?" he asked as he grabbed a lock of her dark red hair. "You must have enjoyed it. I perform very well, if I must say so myself."

His hand moved from her hair to her breast and he fondled her right breast. His other hand then grabbed her chin, and he looked into her eyes. Eyes that were filled with hate.

"You can look at me with all the hate you want. It won't stop what will happen, again and again."

He moved his head closer to her face, and put his mouth against her ear.

" little fiery whore."

He slammed his mouth on hers, and then got up. He chuckled as he looked at her. She was a little fighter that one. He stepped out of the small storage room, and sucked in a breath. He then remembered an important matter that he had to discuss with....that woman. She had asked for a meeting, and even though he was not in the mood for meeting her, he had no choice. He quickly walked towards the back of the Royal Residence, and then opened the door that led underground. He slowly descended the stairs, and when he arrived at the bottom, he scanned his surroundings. The large room was dark, and cold.

"I'm here." he said, and immediately felt something behind him. He stiffened and slowly turned around.

"Where is she?" he asked the dark shadow, and when he didn't get an answer, he growled.

"I said, where is she? I have other things to do, and—,"

Before he could finish that sentence, the dark shadow grabbed his arm, and pulled him towards it. Kade was then swallowed by darkness, and before he knew it, he was standing in a different room lit by torches. He was standing in the middle of the room, and he was surrounded by six figures. He could not see their faces, because of the black hoods they were wearing. One of them stepped forward, and removed the black hood. The woman standing before him, looked the same as she did all those years ago, when he had first met her. She hadn't aged a day.

"What did you want to discuss?"

"You know what, King Kade." she replied. She almost spat his name, and he swallowed.

"It's not time yet. I still have three more years."

"I'm afraid things have changed. We will need to hasten our plans. You have a month left."

"No! you can't just change the deal like this. We made a deal. For ten years."

The woman gave him a soft smile, but he knew better. She may offer smiles, but under that was a cunning woman.

"I know dear. But as I said, plans have changed. I have spoken. Heed my words. I will not be disregarded."

The rage he felt inside of him, almost made him speak his mind. But he knew what would happen if he did. He also knew, that she was not someone to mess with. He almost felt regret at the deal he made all those years ago.

The woman motioned her hand, and he was instantly swallowed again by darkness. When the darkness faded away, he was standing again, in the underground room. The anger he felt made him hit the wall closest to him. He barely felt the pain in his hand.

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