Chapter 27

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The two dungeon guards on their knees in front of him were pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. They had one job. And they failed at that. He waved his hand at the soldier standing behind the two guards, and his sword came down, decapitating the first guard, the second following close behind. Blood was now spattered around them, some had even gotten on Kade's clothes. A lazy smile split his face, and he swiped his finger on his bloody clothes before putting it in his mouth. 


The soldier, and another one who had been standing at the side, removed the headless bodies, and then asked what they should do with the heads. 

"Put them on spikes. On the walls. Let everyone see what happens to people who disappoint me."

The soldiers nodded, and left with the heads, leaving Kade alone in the blood filled recreational room. The same room, where not too long ago he had been the victim of another witch. This one was different from Ellora, but that didn't change the fact that she was still one of them. He hated them all with everything he had, and his anger got the better of him. He kicked the table, and proceeded to ravage the whole room.

Then a thought made him stop. 

The Royal Blood

He had been here all this time.

A snarl escaped his mouth, and Kade looked for his bottle of brown liquid that always managed to calm him down. When he saw it on the floor, broken and all it's contents spilled, it felt as if all his anger just vanished. 

He put both of his hand against the wall, and heavily sighed. Things were getting out of control.

The door burst open, and Captain Drake stepped into the room, his expression troubled.   

"Did you find them?" he asked the Captain, who shook his head.

"No, my King." 

Kade waited for the captain to continue, and when he didn't he felt his anger return and stormed towards the man until he stood right in front of him.

 "WHAT. IS. IT. THEN!" he screamed in the man's face, not caring about the spit that flew out of mouth. 

"The people. They are rebelling."

Kade stumbled back, and ran his fingers through his hair. 

"There are rumors going around the Kingdom, about the Royal blood. The people want him on the throne."

"NO! No, I am King. The throne is mine! How dare they, after everything I've done for this wretched Kingdom." 

More spit was flying out of his mouth, and he wiped his mouth. The Captain was still standing there, like a statue, absolutely useless.

"My King, what would you have me do?"

Kade turned to face the Captain. "Kill them. Kill them all."


Ellora's magic was strong. 

Very strong. 

But she had something to fight for. People to fight for. That's what was fueling her determination and even her magic. The fight between her and Ellora had escalated, and her two minions had moved to the side---their eyes wide, filled with confusion and something that seemed a lot like fear. The dark shadow had not moved from it's place, but Lavelina made sure to keep an eye on him. 

From all sides of the room, black snakes appeared and slithered to Ellora's side. When her hand shot out, the snakes moved with great speed towards her, but then suddenly everything was going slow. Very slow. Lavelina blinked once, and then she wasn't in the caves anymore. The place she was now, was dark and cold, and made her skin crawl. She didn't know what was happening, but then she saw him. He looked so pale, and weak. He was fighting something with dark reptile skin, a long tail and razor sharp claws. Kaynen was bleeding from various wounds on his body, and then another was added when the creature sank his teeth into his arm. 
She tried to move, but it felt like her feet were stuck in the black mud she was standing in. 

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