Chapter 17

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The camp was not where the map said it would be. After taking care of Baylor, they had followed the map, until they arrived at a dark and misty wood area. There was an open area where the camp should have been, but it wasn't. 

"Are we at the right place?" Lavelina asked Kaynen, and he nodded. 

"The map says the camp should be right here. I don't understand."

"Maybe they moved camp." Elias said from next to his brother. 

"Well, we fucking wasted so much fucking time." Azariah said as he dismounted his horse. The mist seemed to be slowly thickening around them, and she froze. Kaynen and Azariah were a couple of steps in front of her, and the twins were a couple of steps behind her.

"Wait." she whispered as her whole body started shaking.

"Wait, sto—,"

A bright flash almost blinded her, and then Kaynen and the others were hurled back by an invincible force.  When she opened her eyes again, Kaynen was sprawled on top of Azariah. She looked behind her and saw the twins unconscious next to each other. She tried to go to them, but couldn't. It was as if her legs were frozen, and the frost slowly moved upwards, towards the rest of her body. She closed her eyes, and motioned her fingers. Taking deep and slowly breaths, she felt the wind blow harder and harder. There was thunder and lightning, and the rain started pouring. The invincible frost she felt slowly disappeared, and she lifted her arms wide as the wind blew through the trees. And then with one move she dropped her arms, and a bright ray of light flashed through dark and misty woods. 

The mist faded, and slowly large tents started to appear out of thin air. Within a minute or so, she was standing in the middle of a camp, and in front of her, stood a woman, with hair as dark as night, and eyes the color of the sun.

"You broke through my boundary." the woman said, with wide eyes. "And your eyes."

Lavelina stood frozen once again, and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She gulped and took a small step closer to the woman.

"My name is Lavelina." she said as she looked the woman in the eyes. The same eyes she had too. 

"And you're my sister."


Kaynen startled awake, and immediately moved to grab his sword. That's when he realized where he was. The cot he was lying on was a bit small for him, and the tent he was in was big. He looked around the tent, and his eyes fell on Azariah and the twins. He quickly got up, and touched his temple. His head was hurting, but he didn't let that stop him. He moved to Azariah's cot first and shook him awake. 

"What....the...fuck." he groaned as he got up from his cot. He must have the same headache as Kaynen, and judging from the groans the twins made, they had the same problem.

"Where are we?" Elias mumbled, as he cradled his head.

"I think we're in the camp. I need to find Lina." Kaynen said, as he searched for his sword. 

"They took our weapons." He finally said, and Azariah groaned.

"Fucking great."

Kaynen didn't have time to waste. He moved to the tent door, and stepped out with Azariah and the twins right on his heels. The sight in front of him caused him to stop, and his eyes widened.

"Wow." Elias whispered from behind him.

Men and women in warrior armor walked past them, children ran and played with wooden sticks, and older women and men sat at the side, weaving or smoking a pipe as they watched the children. The camp was big. Very big. Clashing of metal could be heard in the distance, mixed with yelling and grunting. 

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