Chapter 21

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Lavelina came awake with a start and looked around, searching for the cause of the loud clattering. Her heart was racing and her breath came quickly. The tent was empty save for her, and the clattering appeared to be coming from outside of her tent. She had just had the most awful dream. Ellora had found the camp, and had  only brought death and destruction. They had battled, and....and..Kaynen. He had been hurt, and Azariah. Azariah had.....died

She shook her head, and groaned as she grabbed her head. Her head hurt, and blood was dripping from her nose. 


It hadn't been a dream.

Tears burned in the back of her eyes, and she quickly moved to get up. Everything was spinning, and she almost fell to the ground, be held fast. 


She had to go to him. 

As she stepped out of her tent, she used her hand to shield her eyes against the sun. The sun shone, but since it was already winter, the cold seeped through her bones. She pushed her hands into the pocket of her jacket and stepped further into the camp. The sight of the it made her choke on a sob. People of all ages moved around, some trying to scavenge what was left of the burned tents, some crying on the shoulder of another, and some carrying bodies on cots with a white sheet draped over it.


Her head whipped around, and without a second thought she moved into Elian's embrace. 

"Are you okay?" she asked him as she drew back. "Where's Elias? Is he okay? And Baylor?" she asked in one breath, as tears threatened to fall. 

"Hey. Hey, breath. Slowly, in and out." 

Now that her eyes were on him, she could see how worn out he looked. With dark circles under his eyes, and skin a bit pale. 

"Elias is fine. Baylor, he is wounded, but will pull through." 

"And...Kaynen? Is he..." she asked as she choked on another sob. 

"Come with me." Elian said, as he gently pulled her through the camp. The camp that only yesterday had been full of life. Now, almost half of the camp was burned to the ground. She realized that Elian was bringing her to the infirmary, and the moment she stepped inside the large tent, her eyes watered. Wounded men, women and children filled the tent, the sounds of groaning and sobs mixed with each other, and seemed louder that it actually was. At the other end of the tent, she noticed her sister stand over a body, with Yosef by her side. 

"Serena." she said, a bit too quietly, but her sister heard her, and spun around. 

"You're awake!" she exclaimed as she quickly stepped towards Lavelina, before pulling her in her arms. 
"You scared me. I was so worried." Serena said as she drew back and looked Lavelina in the eyes. Eyes that currently had tears falling out of them. Something behind Serena grabbed her attention, and she moved around her towards the man lying on the cot. Yosef's mouth was moving, but she couldn't hear anything. Her attention was sorely focused on Kaynen. 

His eyes were closed, his skin very pale and lips almost a dark shade of blue. She slowly sank to her knees next to the cot, and grasped his hand in hers. His skin was feverish to the touch, and her heart almost stopped. Gently, she moved closer and stroked his hair from his forehead, before brushing her lips against his cheek. She searched for the wound on his chest, and noticed it had been almost healed. She had done that, she remembered. 

But why was he like this then? She had healed him. He should be up and awake, flashing her the grin she loved so much. But instead, he looked close to death.

Of Kingdoms and Chaos (REWRITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz