Chapter 30

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Lavelina stood on the wall and gazed at the people who went about their day.  Winter had passed, and the air was cool and fresh. The sun would be setting soon, and like the last couple of days, the urge to watch it had been strong. Laughter filled the air, and she looked at the children playing on the street, their faces full of happiness. Their mothers were yelling at them to be careful, but it looked like they didn't have a care in the world. Their smiles made her smile, and their laughter made her laugh. 
Everything was as it was supposed to be. The people were happy.

She was happy. 

Ever since that fateful day, months ago, much had changed. After Kade had been killed, his soldiers had willingly laid down their swords and surrendered. They had won. It sometimes still felt as if everything had happened only yesterday. But it hadn't. In those months following the rebellion, Azariah had been crowned King. He had then implemented several new laws, and had used the people's votes to choose representatives from the different parts of the Kingdom. New officials had been chosen too, and slowly the Kingdom had been brought to it's former glory. The twins had accepted the title of military advisers. Baylor and Yosef had returned to Avaria, where they had reformed laws and alliances. Yosef and Baylor both had had rights to the throne, but Baylor had chosen to step away from it. He had then returned to Viridia, choosing not to hide who he was, and who he loved. Two months ago, Yosef had been crowned King of Avaria, with Serena as his Queen. Lavelina had had her suspicions about the two, but had never thought more of it. She was happy for her sister, and for Yosef. 

The sun was setting, coloring the sky a beautiful yellow and orange. With a hand on her swollen belly, she watched as the sun slowly disappeared beyond the horizon.  Finding out she was with child, had been an......interesting experience. She had suspected that had been the case after defeating Ellora, but only a few weeks after killing Kade, had she been sure of her situation. She remembered feeling happy, and nervous at the same time. It had taken her only a day to work up the courage to tell Kaynen. Her plan had been to tell him in private, before they went to bed, but when she had seen him speaking with Azariah and the twins in the training yard that afternoon, she hadn't been able to stop her legs from walking to him nor her mouth from blurting everything out. Maybe it had been nerves, or the happiness, she wasn't sure. She would never forget Kaynen's expression. At that time she hadn't been sure if it he had been horrified or just shocked. But it had been replaced quickly with a wide smile, and a bone crushing hug. She remembered thinking she had never seen him that happy before.

She felt a presence behind her, and smiled as arms wrapped around her. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it." she asked the man who was soon to be her husband.

"It is. But not as beautiful as someone I know."

"Is that so? I wonder who that person is. Do I know her?"

Kaynen chuckled. "You do actually. I will marry her soon."

She smiled. "Of course you will." 

His hands stroked her belly, and she rested her own on his. His chin was on her shoulder, and together they watched the dark horizon. They stood there for a while, before walking back to the residence. As they strolled through the Royal city, people greeted them, and the smile on Lavelina's face was so wide, she was sure her face would split. 

When they entered the residence, they came across Baylor, who looked a bit troubled. 

"What did you do again?" she asked him, and he ran his hand through his hair. 

"Why do you think I was the one who did something?" he asked, and she laughed.

"Because it's always you who does something." she said slowly, and Baylor scoffed. 

Of Kingdoms and Chaos (REWRITING)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum