Chapter 28

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The whole Kingdom was in Chaos. 

People were rebelling, and many were being killed on sight by Kade's soldiers. Getting back to the Rebel camp was proving to be more difficult than any of them had thought. They had walked from the caves to the closest fishing town, and had managed to steal only three horses. She was riding with Azariah, while Elias was riding with Ian. Baylor had a horse of his own, and together they tried to avoid the fighting and get by undetected. They passed destroyed villages, and towns, the smell of burned flesh strong and causing her to choke. 

They had defeated one monster, but now it seemed like Kade had completely taken over Ellora's role. His soldiers did not care who they killed. They had passed bodies of women, young and old, and children that had been left to rot in the streets. Children that had barely reached the age where they could fully understand what was going on. Her heart ached, but she knew that first she had to get to Kaynen. 

The closer they got to the rebel camp, the faster she felt her heart beat. The vial was hanging around her neck, and she grasped it. 

"We're almost there." she whispered, and hoped that she wasn't too late. She turned around and looked at Ian, who was sitting behind Elias. He looked pale, and his teeth were chattering. He was staring at Baylor, his eyes filled with confusion. She had a feeling that he knew Baylor from somewhere. 

"We're almost there." Azariah said from in front of her. Not long after, they dismounted their horses, and walked further, searching for the barrier. When they finally found it, they passed it without any problems. Ignoring the stares and greetings, she ran straight for the tent she and Kaynen had shared. When she stepped inside, she saw Serena, Yosef and Elian standing around Kaynen's cot, and she froze. Elian had tears in his eyes, and when Serena looked up, Lavelina could see the sadness on her face.

"You're back!" her sister exclaimed before crossing the room and wrapping her arms around her. 

"Kaynen?" she whispered, and Serena pulled back.

"I'm sorry Lavelina. I tried to make him comfortable, but..."

She stumbled past her sister, and fell to her knees next to the cot. He was lying so very still, and moved her shaking hand to remove the vial from her neck.

"I'm here. You're going to be okay." she said as she held the vial in front of his mouth. She watched as the blue light in it, spilled out and entered Kaynen through his mouth. She then threw the vial on the cot, and grabbed his face, searching for a sign that it was working. That he was alive

 But nothing.

"I don't-----I don't understand. Why isn't it working? Why is he---,"

She choked on a sob, and cupped her mouth with one hand. "No. Please no."

She put her head on his chest, and let the tears fall. She felt broken. Completely broken. It was as if someone had ripped her heart out, and left her standing with a big hole in her chest. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned around. Azariah was on his knees next to her, his eyes full of tears. 

"Azariah, he's---he's not waking up. Why? I don't---We're too late. I failed. I.....failed." she choked out, and he pulled her in his arms. The tears kept falling, draining her body of everything she had. 

But then she heard it.

A groan. 

She pulled out of Azariah's embrace, and turned around, grabbing Kaynen's hand. The cold of his skin was replaced with warmth, and she could see his chest move. 


His eyes opened slightly, and she gasped. He looked at her, and smiled. 

"You're here." he whispered, his voice groggy. 

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