Chapter 29

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They had traveled through the City Villages at a great speed, and had reached the wall surrounding the Royal City. The army of Viridians that had gathered to fight against Kade was greater than any of them had imagined. People whispered as their small group walked through the large crowds of Viridians huddled together. Azariah's armor stood out, letting everyone know who he was. With his head held high, he walked in front of their group, while Kaynen and Lina walked right behind him. 

Azariah then suddenly stopped, halting their group. Kaynen stiffened, and felt Lina squeeze his hand. 

"What are you doing here?" Azariah asked Ezra, who was standing on the front line. His smirk irritated Kaynen, but he kept himself from attacking the man. Ezra looked at him, but then moved his gaze to Lina. With a chuckle, he put his hands behind back and stepped closer to Azariah. 

"To join the fight of course. My King." he answered with a bow of his head.

"Cut the bullshit, Ezra. You don't take sides. You don't care about anything else other than yourself and the riches you so much desire."

"Now now, that is not entirely true. I do have other.....things I care about. This Kingdom, for example."

"I doubt that." Kaynen said, and Ezra let out a laugh. 

"Think what you will, Beskermer. I have brought some associates with me. We are at your service."

Ezra then mockingly bowed, before stepping back. Ethan, as always, was by his side, and only nodded at them. 

Azariah then turned around, and his eyes fell on the many Viridians standing closest to them. His expression was bothered, and before Kaynen could say something, Lina moved closer to Azariah, and touched his arm. 

"What is it?"

"I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I don't know if I'm ready."  he whispered, clearly disturbed.

"You cannot change your lineage, nor your destiny, Azariah. Besides, being ready to be a king is something that only happens in fairy tales. No one is ever really ready to rule a Kingdom and be a good king at the same time. The most important thing is whether your believe in yourself is as strong as the heart that beats in your chest. You are a good man, Azariah. Trust that you will be ready, in time. But for now, that bastard on your throne needs to go."

"I couldn't have said it any better." Kaynen said, and Lina arched an eyebrow. 

"You're right." Azariah said, and he stood a bit straighter. "You're right."

He stepped around them, and looked at the people who see him as their King. He let out a deep breath before opening his mouth.

"People of Viridia, I--uh--fuck. This is harder than I thought it would be. Listen, a couple of months ago, I was just a normal man, making a living as a bounty hunter. I never thought I would be standing here in front of all of you, leading an attack to take over the royal city. But I am. I'm here, and I am the son of King Talon. I am the rightful king of Viridia. Kade thinks he owns this kingdom. That he owns all of you. But he is wrong. This Kingdom belongs to you. To us. And if we don't fight for it, who will?
The time has come for us to take back what is ours. I will fight for my throne. I will fight for this Kingdom. And I will fight for you.

Now who is with me?"

Loud cheers, and cries of war resonated through the crowd as people lifted their swords. Azariah turned to face him, with a determined smirk on his face.

Of Kingdoms and Chaos (REWRITING)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα