Chapter 15

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They had been riding for another two days, and Lavelina couldn't take it any longer. Kaynen had asked her not to talk to the Commander, after briefly explaining his suspicions about him. She had agreed with his suspicions, and had not spoken with the Commander, even though they traveled together. None of her companions had actually spoken to the man, and while she knew he was not their friend, she felt a bit bad. In those two days they had stopped two times, to make camp, and both times the Commander had made his own camp, not far from theirs. Azariah had made it very clear he did not want him in their camp, and even though she could understand him, considering the circumstances, she also found it a bit ridiculous.

She glanced at the Commander, who was making a small fire, not far from the fire she was now using for warmth. The weather was changing faster than anticipated, and judging by the cold she was already feeling, the coming winter would be a very harsh one. Azariah was sharpening his sword, and Kaynen and Elias had left earlier to hunt for some meat. They still had some biscuits and bread, but her companions didn't think that enough. She glanced at Elian, who was adding more wood to the fire, and she noticed him looking at the Commander. She had also noticed how they had kept stealing glances at each other, since that day in the woods, when the Commander had saved Elian's life. The way the Commander looked at Elian, was the same way Kaynen looked at her sometimes. Wait. She gasped, and put her hand in front of her mouth.

"Are you okay?" Elian asked, and she nodded. He went to sit next to Azariah, and started sharpening his sword, when his twin and Kaynen returned. Elias was carrying two fat rabbits, and she turned her eyes away. Seeing their lifeless eyes still made her stomach turn. She didn't eat meat, and she understood that Kaynen and the other were not like her. They were used to eating meat, and even though it was still a bit hard for her to get used to seeing them kill for food, she couldn't ask them not to do it. She looked at Kaynen, who was laughing at something Elias said, and she smiled too. They hadn't had a private moment since that night at the Inn, but the kisses would have to do for now. Her smile faded when she thought about what she had whispered to him. When she told him she loved him, it had been with all of her heart. She had been half asleep, but she knew that even though she had never experienced love before, what she felt for Kaynen could not simply be fascination or adoration. It was more than that. It had to be. But what if she had said it to soon?

He had told her he felt love for her, but he never actually said he loved her. She deeply sighed, and looked up. Kaynen's warm eyes were on her, and she could see the question in his eyes. Are you okay?

She nodded, and smiled. She then glanced back at the Commander, and shook her head. She stood up, and marched over to his camp. She could hear Kaynen call her name, but she didn't turn around.

"Excuse me, Commander?" she asked the man, who silently sat next to the small fire.

His head slightly turned to her, and then he looked at her.

"Would you like to join us at our camp?" He arched his eyebrow, and slowly got up. He towered over her, but she didn't move from where she stood.

"I don't think they would like that very much." he said as he pointed to her companions who stood almost right behind her.

"And I don't think they will mind, right?" she replied with her hands on her hips as she looked at her companions.

"Lina, I don't—,"

"You know, I don't even know your name." she said before Kaynen could finish.

The Commander looked taken aback, and did not answer.

"Well, what is it? Your name."

"It's Baylor."

"I'm Lavelina. So, would you like to join us at our camp?"

Of Kingdoms and Chaos (REWRITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin