Chapter 26

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Ellora stood on the cliff and watched the rough waters of the Great Sea, it's waves as high as a tree. It was snowing, but she barely felt the harsh cold of winter. The feeling of impending victory made her feel all warm inside, and it was something she welcomed. He was close. She could feel it. She was finally bringing her mistress back. The one true ruler of the Kingdoms. Avaria and Viridia would be hers the moment she returned, and Tesserae would follow as soon as those walls came down. 

Closing her eyes, she inhaled the cold salty air and slowly breathed it out again. Her mistress would be pleased with the world she was returning to. She would make sure the people embraced her as their new Queen, and that there was no one who would be a threat to her reign.  

With one more glance at the wild Sea, she turned around and headed for the caves that had been the lair of the necromancers for centuries. The only other person who knew where it was, was Kade. And that was only because of the traitor Emely. But he wouldn't dare come back himself. 

But the royal blood would. And so would the Magian. 

The Beskermer was almost fully claimed by the darkness. Soon his consciousness would cease to exist and he would fade away, forgotten by everyone who once knew him. The magian would try to stop her again, Ellora was sure of that. But she was not match for her. A wicked smile split her face as she walked into her lair. 

They were close. Very close. 

And she was ready for them.


They were close. 

She could feel it. 

She could already smell the strong salty air of the Sea, and could hear the sound of the waves beating against the shore. The moment they had escaped from the royal residence, they had somehow managed to evade the army of soldiers. Mainly because of Baylor's knowledge of secret pathways and tunnels. They had stolen some horses, and had then immediately started their short journey to the caves. 

Lavelina had a feeling that Ellora would be expecting them. But she couldn't let that scare her. The woman needed to be stopped, and Lavelina knew she was the only one who could do that. Once she faced Ellora again, there would be no time for hesitation. 

Ellora was stronger now, and she had the dark shadow with her. Azariah needed to be protected too, so she had taken precautions. Going inside those caves would be the dead of him, so she had made sure he was secure and safe. He would probably be furious with her, but she couldn't worry about the heir of the kingdom while fighting a powerful necromancer.

The smell of the sea was stronger now, so they must be really close. 

The region close to the caves was mostly barren, save for the three lonely oak trees. They formed a triangle, and the middle was filled with different exotic flowers. If she wasn't feeling a bit agitated at the moment, she would have found the sight beautiful. But now, the only the thing filling her mind was saving the man she loved. 

She halted her horse, and dismounted. Baylor followed her, and with no place to tie the horses, they had no choice but to let them go. 

"You think he's still out?" he asked her, and she nodded. "Yep. I gave him a bit more than I should have, but he'll be okay."

Deciding that it would be better that Azariah not join her in the battle against Ellora, they had stopped at a small abandoned army post almost an hour back, where she had used certain herbs to mix a sleeping potion. By putting it in Azariah's water, it had only taken a few seconds for the potion to take effect. Elias had been cross with her for not telling him what she had planned. But she had barely listened to him, and had only asked one thing from him. 

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