Chapter 16

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Kade stood in front of the fireplace, and looked at the letter in his hand. When he first read the letter, he laughed. And not because the content of the letter was funny, but because of the fact that she actually sent him a letter thinking that he cared. He didn't. She could do whatever she wanted with the whore spy. He didn't care. He threw the letter in the fire, and watched it slowly burn. He could almost hear the bitch's evil laugh. He knew she would come after him, but he also knew she had more pressing matters at the moment. Like killing the Royal blood.

A knock sounded on the door, and Captain Drake stepped in.

"My King. The forces from the south will be here in a couple of hours. The General is leading the men himself."

"Perfect. Now leave."

Drake slightly bowed, and left the room. For a moment he wished Baylor was there. But he quickly pushed that thought away. He needed to get the Royal blood. He needed to show Ellora that he wasn't scared of her. He needed to show her, who was King.


"Looks like your lover does not care for you at all." Ellora said to the woman on her knees in front of her. Her sister, her loyal confidant. She had never expected this.

"Why did you do this, Emely? Why did you betray me?"

"Ellora, please. I-I didn't.......I didn't mean to."

Ellora let out a humorless laugh, and grabbed Emely by her hair.

"Do you think me a fool, girl."

"No, please. I'm sorry."

Ellora let go of her hair, and walked to Leah, who, like the others, was standing very very still.

"What should I do with the traitor, Leah?"

"Uh, I—I don't—,"

Ellora ignored her and moved to Aria. "What do you think, Aria?"

"She needs to be punished." she replied with a hard voice.

Ellora smiled and walked back to Emely.

"I'm very disappointed in you. Very very disappointed." she said and dramatically sighed. "I guess you do need to be punished."

She then slashed Emely's cheek and arm, and continued until her whole body was full of bleeding cuts. With her magic, she kept Emely in one place, so she couldn't move. Ellora continued slashing her skin, and then with a grin she turned to Leah.

"Your turn."

Leah took the dagger with shaking hands, but did what Ellora asked. And so did Aria. Together they watched how Emely slowly succumbed to her wounds. Ellora lifted her magic, and Emely's lifeless body fell to the ground.

She turned to her two remaining cult sisters with a smile.

"Now, on to the next issue. The Royal Blood." She said as she flicked her hand. The dark shadow appeared at her side, it's head lowered.

"I will go after him myself. You will stay here, and prepare for the ritual. She has waited long enough, and we cannot fail her again."

Leah and Aria nodded, and Ellora turned to her assassin.

"You have one more chance to prove your loyalty. Fail me this time, and you will join your shadow brothers in the darkness."


Some of the towns they had traveled through had been bustling with vendors and traders, while some had looked like they barely had enough food to last a day. They had briefly stopped to buy more biscuits and dried fruits, and also to get some more weapons. Lavelina looked at Baylor who was riding next to her and Kaynen, and grinned.

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