Chapter 8

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Kade was trying to focus on what Baylor's temporary stand-in was telling him. As the right hand man of the Commander of the Left Wing army, he had been Baylor's first choice to take his place for the time Baylor would be away. The man was even bigger than Baylor, but unlike Baylor, he spoke a lot. Too much even. He was informing Kade about a very important matter, but still Kade could not focus. Not with her in the room. Her red hair was in a tight bun, and she was currently cleaning the floor in the middle of the room.

"—and the border remains closed and the wall indestructible. Advancing from the Sea is also not an option, since our ships were destroyed the last three times. It seems there is no way of invading Tesserae."

Kade removed his eyes from his red haired servant, and looked at Captain Drake. The Kingdom of Tesserae has been a major headache for Kade. The Kingdom broke all contact with the outside many years ago, and until now it remained closed off. Kade's plan after invading Viridia had been to take over the so called unbreachable Kingdom, but doing that has proven to be more difficult that he had thought.

"There is always a way. We just have not found it yet." Kade said with a sigh.

"That's enough for now, you can go." he said to Drake with a wave of his hand. The

Captain nodded, and bowed his head before leaving the room. He didn't know how Tessarae managed to withstand his attacks, but he would find a way. But for now, he would enjoy what was already within his reach.

"Come here." he said to the servant, who had just finished cleaning the floor.

She slowly walked over to him, her body stiff and her head lowered. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her in his lap.

"Let's have some fun now, shall we?"


The horse was big. Very big. Kaynen and the others were currently saddling their horses, while she stood at the side, and stared at them. People were staring at her as they walked by, but she ignored them. A group of soldiers walked past, and Lavelina lowered her head and avoided their gaze. Kaynen had told her about the King's soldiers, who patrolled the towns and villages often. In the first years since invading the Kingdom, he had ordered all Viridians to pay a toll when traveling to other towns and parts of the Kingdom. But for some reason he had disbanded that law a couple of months back. Her eyes fell on Kaynen again, and she took a step back.

"Are you ready? You'll be riding with me." Kaynen said to her, and she gulped. There had been no awkwardness between them when they had woken up in the morning, and she was grateful for that. Kaynen confessing his attraction to her had been kind of a shock, but it had also made her.....happy. She had woken up, with her limbs tangled in his, and instead of being embarrassed and awkward, they had laughed. Even with the confession, nothing had changed between them. At least not yet.


She looked up at Kaynen who was already on his horse, his arm stretched towards her.


"Give me your hand."

When she didn't give him, he frowned.

"What is it?"

"I've never been on a horse before. He's so......big."

She noticed Azariah rolling his eyes, and folded her arms on her chest.

"Come on. Don't worry, I won't let you fall, I promise."

"Yeah Lina, don't worry. He won't let you fall." Elias said, with a wry smile.

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