Chapter 12

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"You're a Magian? Like me?" Lavelina asked Ezra, and he laughed. "No, no I'm not like you." he answered, and she knew instantly what he meant. "You're one of them then. One of the cult members."

"I was. But not anymore. Let's just say, I decided to change my path, and well, become something else."

"You mean a robber? A murderer?" Kaynen said with anger lacing his voice.

"All this time. All this fucking time, you knew about us. Six years, Ezra. Six fucking years, and you never said anything." Azariah growled as he kicked the table closest to him.

"It had not been the right time. Things happen as fate demands it. That is something, you cannot change." Ezra replied coolly.

"The other cult members. How many survived?" Lavelina asked, and Ezra got up from his chair. He stood in front of the fireplace, and downed the alcohol from his glass.

"I'm not sure. But there was only one person who could control dark shadows. She was the worst of us all." he said and turned around. "The person who is after you is named Ellora. Since her assassin has failed in killing you, she will find other ways." he said to Azariah, who looked at Ezra with such rage, that Lavelina expected him to attack the man at any second. But he didn't, and stormed out of the room.

"You cannot avoid your destiny, Kaynen. And neither can he. King Kade does not belong on the throne of Viridia, and he and Ellora will do anything to ensure the end of Talon's line." Ezra said, and then he also left the room.

The twins came to stand next to her and Kaynen, and Elian sighed. "What now then?"

Lavelina could see that Kaynen was struggling to come to terms with what had just be told to them. To him. She moved closer to him, and touched his arm.

"We'll get through this, Kaynen."

She could see he didn't fully believe her, but he still nodded. Someone cleared their throat from the doorway, and they all looked at Ethen who stood with his hands behind his back.

"Will you be staying? If so, your rooms will be ready."

"No. We're leaving." Kaynen said.

The twins were both looking at her, and then at Kaynen. She shrugged, and then they followed Kaynen out of the room. Azariah was already outside on his horse, and within minutes they were on their way back to Harran. They hadn't said goodbye to Ezra or Ethen, and even though she still had many questions, she knew that Kaynen and Azariah needed to clear their head first. Especially Azariah. She couldn't believe he was the heir to the throne of Viridia. The rightful king of the Kingdom. She was worried about him. As they rode, she glanced over at him. He looked angry. Very angry. Which is to be expected.

When they arrived in town, they went straight for one of the Inns in the middle of town. She didn't have any money, but it seemed her companions did, and she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. The moment they stepped into the Inn, Kaynen booked the rooms, and they went up the stairs. It was then that she noticed that Azariah was not behind them. Kaynen also noticed, and told her to go upstairs with the twins, while he retrieved Azariah.

"Do you think he's alright?" she asked them when they stepped in the room.

"I know I wouldn't be if someone told me I was a King's son." Elias said. She moved to the window, and watched the people walking on the street. It was almost dark, and the room was getting more chilly. Elian moved to the fireplace, and just as he put some extra logs on the fire he had started, the door opened. Kaynen stepped in, and dragged Azariah in the room.

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