Chapter 24

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Kade grinned wickedly as his favorite distraction sat on the floor in front of him. He would never get enough of the red headed girl, with fire in her eyes. The fire he saw in her eyes now, made his groin harden, the feeling overwhelming. He leaned forward, grabbing her hair in his hand and captured her mouth in a hard and wild kiss. He thought he heard a whimper or a moan, and intensified the kiss. He pulled back, and licked her face from chin to forehead. She tried to draw back, but he grabbed her chin and pulled her towards his groin. 

"You know what to do." he managed to choke out as he felt pleasure built inside of him. Pleasure that vanished with the loud knock on the door. It flew open and a soldier who seemed familiar stepped into the room. 

"My apologies my King." the soldier said with his eyes lowered.

"You dare disturb me like this?"

The soldier looked up, his eyes immediately falling on the beauty kneeling before him. 

"M-my K-king, there is's Commander Baylor. He's at the front gate."

Kade wasn't sure if he had heard right, and leaned back in the chair. He looked at his distraction and waved her away, and watched how she stumbled past the soldier. 

"Now." Kade said as he got up, and straightened his clothes, "What did you say about my brother?"

"H-he's alive. And he's here at the Royal Residence."


The Royal Residence was as majestic as tales said it was. It seemed as big as a mountain, with it's white walls, and many many soldiers guarding them. They had rode non stop, and had only stopped when she had threatened to pee on the horse. The large man, she had learned his name was Drake, had first not listened to her at all. After her third time asking for a bathroom break, she had given Baylor her most 'I will strangle them all with vines and branches' look, which he had taken very seriously. During their trip, the man, Captain Drake, had used every small chance he had to stare at her. It had become more and more unbearable to the point she had asked him what his problem with her was. His face had been one of a kind, and for the remaining of the trip, he had actually tried not to stare again. 

Now, as Captain Drake spoke with one of the soldiers in front of the large white gate, she wondered what was waiting for them behind those big white walls. Nerves were eating at her, and she could feel what that was doing to her powers. She felt like it was bubbling inside of her, disturbed and desperate to escape her body. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and thought of Kaynen, and the future she so desperately wanted with him. 

"Are you okay?" someone asked her, and she opened her eyes with a sigh.

"No, not really." 

Azariah looked like he wanted to ask her another question, but only nodded. 

"Are you?" she asked him, and shook his head. 

"Fuck no."

She chuckled and wrapped the woolen jacket tighter around her. It was so very cold, and it was almost impossible to feel her fingers. It was lightly snowing, and she looked at the sky and closed her eyes again. 

"We'll be okay." 

"You think?" Azariah said with a snort as he watched Captain Drake discuss something with the soldier at the gate. They were speaking very quietly, and the soldier kept sneaking glances at them.

"I wonder what's taking so long." Elias muttered as he cupped his mouth with both hands before blowing air into them. "It's cold as balls."

"Cold as balls? Really? Sometimes I worry about you." Azariah said as he shook his head.

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