Chapter 6

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 Kade stood in his recreational room, before the large glass window. This same room used to be the reading room of Talon, and redesigning it to his satisfaction had brought Kade great joy. Talon would probably not agree with the way he had changed the room, but he didn't care. He turned head slightly to the left, and looked at the medium sized painting of Abella. His wife had been a great help seven years ago, and if he had to be honest, he missed her. Only a bit. But he knew that it had been necessary. Leaving any of Talon's blood alive would have been foolish, and even though he had not cared about her, ending her life, had not brought him any joy.

But now it seems like fate had stepped in, and changed everything. That night, seven years ago, the dark shadows had slaughtered all who belonged to the Royal family. Even the servants and guards had not been spared. But now a little birdie had told him that one may still be alive. A Royal blood. Kade chuckled at the thought of the girl who he had so expertly turned against her own kind. It had been difficult at first, but it hadn't taken long before she had succumbed to his touch. And his promises.

A knock on the door made him turn around, and he walked to his arm chair, and sat down.

"Come in." he said to his brother as he poured himself a drink.

Baylor walked in, his eyes hard, and his hand on the hilt of his sword. Kade had noticed from the beginning that he and his brother did not look alike. Where his hair was a dark blond color, Baylor's was dark brown, almost black. Baylor was also build bigger than Kade, but that was probably because his brother trained every day, together with the men he commanded. Kade often wondered if making Baylor the commander of the Left Wing Army had been a good idea. It was obvious his brother did not agree about certain things Kade did, but Kade did not care. He knew his brother would never go against him.

"What news have you brought for me, brother?"

"The girl was right. A bastard of Talon still lives." he replied, his voice gruff, and face expressionless.

"So that's who Ellora is after." Kade muttered with a smirk. "I wonder how the dark shadows missed this particular bastard."

Baylor didn't say anything, and stood still, waiting for an order. Kade smiled.

"Take three of your best men, and bring me the bastard. That conniving woman wants to break our deal, so now I will take what she wants most."

"Yes, my King."

Baylor bowed his head, and then turned and left the room. Kade took a sip from his drink, and stared into the fire. A plan formed in his head, and he grinned. Baylor would not disappoint him.

Ellora will realize that he isn't a puppet she could control as she wanted.

He wasn't scared of her.

He was King. And he would prevail.


Kaynen did not know what was going on. The white eyed men had followed him and the others all the way here, and now Lina was in danger too. And according to Lina something was on it's way here.

"Kay, we have to leave. There might be more out there." Elias said, with a worried face. His eyes were on Lina's trembling body, and then they moved to his.

"This is a fucking nightmare. Who the fuck would want us dead. I ain't ready for that shit." Azariah said as he cleaned the blood of his sword. "And what do you mean, something dark is coming." he said to Lina, who was still holding Kaynen.

"Kaynen." she whispered, and he looked at her.

"It's not safe here. You need to leave. Now!"

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