Chapter 20

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From the moment they had walked away from Baylor's tent, Lina had been shaking all over. Her body had not felt cold, but she had kept talking about a cold she was feeling. He had brought her to their tent, and he had contemplated whether to stay with her, or to go look for Serena. Something was wrong, but Kaynen hadn't known what. But then the screams came. The screams of fear, and pain, and that's when Lina's body froze and her eyes widened. 

"She's here." 

Kaynen knew immediately who she meant, and sprung into action, grabbing his sword and knives. Lina's eyes turned hard, and she got up. 

"We need to find Azariah."

Kaynen nodded, and they quickly left their tent. There was chaos in the camp, as everyone ran, while some grabbed weapons to fight. In the distance he could see rebel warriors battling white eyed men, and then he saw the dark shadow, who moved with great speed, slashing the throats of each of the warriors he faced. 

He could see Azariah, who fought along side Yosef and without second thought, he moved towards them, with Lina by his side. It was then that he saw her. It was his first time seeing her, but somehow he knew who she was. She had a wicked smile on her face, and then her eyes looked skywards before rolling back. Thunder rumbled and lighting flashed before striking a tent not far from where they were standing, causing it to catch fire. An evil laugh tore through all of the carnage, and Lina stepped forward, and was soon joined by Serena. She looked back at him, her eyes filled with determination. 

"Go! Protect him." 

He didn't want to leave her, but he knew his duty. With a quick nod, he ran towards Azariah and Yosef. But before he could reach them, the dark shadow appeared in front of him. 


Lavelina had felt her sister before she had appeared beside her. 

"Just like we practiced." Serena whispered, and she nodded.

Their hands started moving in sync, and while her mist was the color of her hair, Serena's was pale yellow. The trees in the camp, and the ones surrounding it started moving, and branches extended until they reached where all the fighting was happening. With one push, the branches tore through the white eyed men, grabbing them before hurling them back. Some of the branches stabbed through the stomachs of the white eyed men, before decapitating them. Pale yellow patterns moved and wrapped themselves like ropes around the white eyed men, before squeezing the life out of them. 

"You need to decapitate them." she yelled to her sister.

She focused harder on her power, and then she could feel them. This time it was not wolves or bears that answered her calling. A conspiracy of ravens formed a large cloud above them before coming down like lightning in the sky. They tore through the camp without hurting any of the rebels. It seemed like more and more white eyed men were appearing, but she wasn't giving up. 

But then she heard the wicked voice. She knew exactly who it belonged to, and she turned around. Serena was right by her side, and together they faced her, surrounded by lightning and fire.

"Well well well. If it isn't the Magian of light I've heard so much about. And there are two of you. Must be my lucky day."

The woman had a wickedness about her, and it made Lavelina's skin crawl. Her eyes had rolled back, leaving only the white of her eyes.

"You are no match for me, girl. Get out of my way or you will get the horrible death you definitely deserve."

"I'm not letting you hurt him." 

Of Kingdoms and Chaos (REWRITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang