Chapter 19

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Days had passed since their arrival at the rebel camp, and for Lavelina, all of them had been simply amazing. Besides getting to know more people in the camp, Serena had taught her many things that according to her, every Magian should know. Ever since Ethen had treated her, her nose bleeding had stopped, and Serena had agreed with Ethen's diagnosis. Her sister had also taught her how to better control her powers, and if Lavelina had to be honest, she now felt more in control of herself and the powers buried deep within her. There was more to her powers than she had thought, and Serena had done her best to help her better understand them.

Kaynen, Azariah and the twins had been joining the rebels in their combat training, so she only saw them during the evening meal. The time she had spent with Serena had given her the opportunity to learn more about their father, and about the Magian's history. From everything Serena had told her, their father, Avram, had been a strong and outspoken person, who often got in trouble for speaking his mind. Serena herself had grown up with him, and through the stories she told Lavelina, it was as if she now knew the man personally. His first wife, Serena's mother, had passed when she was a girl, and according to what Serena knew, her death had been hard on their father, leading him to seek comfort in the arms of a woman he had met during one of his travels. Lavelina's mother. Thinking about her mother, and her father, had brought tears to her eyes, and she had felt relieved when Serena had pulled her into her arms. 

At night Kaynen had held her, as she cried for the man she had never known, for the mother she had lost too early, and for the sister, she had only just met. As he had held her closely, he had whispered soft spoken words to her, about how happy he was that she had finally met her sister, how he loved her, and how she meant the world to him. His soft spoken words had then been replaced by soft kisses along her temple, cheek and neck, and just like all the other nights, he had made love to her. They had finally started using protection, to prevent her being with child. She honestly had not known such a thing existed. Kaynen had felt really bad for not using it sooner, and had apologized to her many times. But it had not only been his fault.

Now was not the right time to have a child, but she honestly was very curious about it. Her mother had always told her that having her had been the best gift of her life, and Lavelina wanted to experience that too. But not now.

Now as she, Baylor, Yosef and Serena stood before the training field, she couldn't help but ogle at Kaynen's tanned chest and muscles as he battled against one of the rebel warriors. He had taken of his ripped shirt at the beginning of the fight, which had been a while ago. The fight had attracted many of the people in camp, and now some were chanting his name, while some were chanting the rebel warrior's name. 

"He's good. Really good." Yosef said, and Lavelina grinned. "Of course he is."

"You're drooling, sister."  Serena said with a smirk, and Lavelina bumped her shoulder with her own.

Kaynen and the rebel warrior had abandoned their swords, and were now engaged in hand to hand combat, and within seconds, Kaynen had the man pinned to the ground.

"Yield." he said, and when it was obvious the man would not be able to get out of the strong grip Kaynen had on him, he yielded, causing half of the crowd to applaud and cheer. The rebel warrior got up with a laugh, and he and Kaynen shook hands, when Kaynen's eyes landed on her. He winked at her, and she couldn't help the smile that was so wide, she was sure it would tear her mouth. Kaynen walked to her, and then leaned on the wood barrier that surrounded the training field. 

"Hey." he said with a grin, and she stepped closer.

"Hey yourself." she answered, and they just stared at each other, until someone cleared their throat.

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