Chapter 10

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They had been riding for almost a whole day, and had only stopped for short bathroom breaks. Even though Lavelina's whole body was hurting, she had still managed to sleep for a long period. She felt drained, and her nose had not stopped bleeding. Kaynen hadn't noticed, and she didn't want him to. The route to Harran was filled with bumpy roads, and bustling villages. But that had not slowed them down.

Lavelina was close to falling asleep again, when Kaynen softly stroked her shoulder. As she opened her eyes, she noticed they were on a hill that overlooked a large town. Even larger than Hatussa.

"Is that Harran?" she asked Kaynen, and he nodded. The town had the form of a circle, and it was surrounded by misty woods. The path leading to the town, was filled with people carrying different types of carts, filled with different types of things.

"I still don't think this is a good idea." Elias muttered, and Lavelina looked at him.

"There is no one else, Elias." Kaynen replied quietly.

"That doesn't change the fact that it's a bad fucking idea." Azariah grumbled.

Lavelina felt Kaynen sigh, and she gently squeezed his hand. He looked down at her, and smiled. From what she had heard, this Ezra was not a very nice person. But if he was the only one who had insight about the shadow, then they really didn't have another choice.

They galloped down from the hill, and the moment they arrived at the gates of the town, the smell of fish hit her nose. She put her hand in front of her nose, and Kaynen chuckled.

"The Great Sea is not very far from here. The villagers from the coast come to Harran to trade and sell, mostly fish."

"The Great Sea?" she replied with wonder. She had heard about it when she had been a child, but had never seen it.

"You've never seen it?" Kaynen asked, and she shook her head.

"Well, you will. Someday." he said with a smile.

They entered the Town, and rode through the market street, until they arrived at a large brown building. Kaynen got down from his horse and scanned the building.

"Is he here?" she asked him, and he shook his head

"No, but one of his minions might be." he grumbled back. "Stay with the twins."

Lavelina noticed Azariah getting of his horse, and together they entered the building.

"This is going to be interesting." Elias muttered, and Lavelina bit her lip. She was worried. Very worried. And it must have shown on her face.

"Don't worry." Elian said, as he got down from his horse. "They'll be fine."

"I hope so."

She felt something drip from her nose, and immediately moved her hand to wipe away the blood. But she had been too slow.

"You're bleeding. Lavelina, are you—," .

"I'm okay, Elian." she said, and then looked at both of the twins. "I'm fine. Really. Just, don't tell Kaynen okay."

Elian sighed, and then nodded. Elias's attention was on two women who were walking past them. Lavelina smiled and shook her head. She then turned towards the building, and she felt the same worry bubble up again inside of her.

She really hoped they were okay. That he was okay.


The moment they stepped into the brothel, the sound of moaning and slapping of skin could be heard. From outside, one would never guess that this place was a well known place of pleasure. Ezra himself did not visit brothels, but most of his underlings did. Kaynen, Azariah and the twins had also visited this particular brothel in the past. It had been a part of their initiation into the brotherhood. Becoming a man. Ezra made it clear to them from the beginning. He didn't allow boys into the brotherhood, only real men. And real men he had made of them.

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