Chapter 9

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Everything had happened so fast. Kaynen had almost been sure that this time they would probably lose the fight. But then the wolves came. And the bears. They had ripped through the enemy so fast, that he had barely had time to acknowledge their presence. But now as he stood so close to them, his first thought was of Lina. Of how she had done this, of how he had never known anyone with the same power as he had. What was that power exactly? It was almost as if  it was......magic. But that didn't exist.

Azariah's words reached him, and his head turned straight to the woman next to him. And then to the wolves and bears who stood silently, as if they were waiting for something.

"Uh, Lina?" he whispered, as he pointed to the animals.

"Oh, yeah, right." she said, and stepped towards the largest wolf. Kaynen and everyone else watched as she crouched down, and leaned her head forwards until her forehead reached the wolf's head.

"Thank you." she whispered, and then she got up and repeated the same thing with one of the bears. She then stepped backwards, until she was right next to Kaynen again. The wolves left first, lead by their Alpha. Then the bears followed. Kaynen had been staring at their retreating forms, when he felt Lina grab his arm. He turned right in time to steady her on her feet.

"Lina, are you alright?" he asked her as he moved his hand to wipe the blood that was dripping out of her nose.

"I'm okay. Just a bit dizzy." she said, and smiled at him.

"What are you?" a voice from the side said, and both Kaynen and Lina turned their heads towards the Commander. He stepped closer, his sword in his hand. Elian stepped forward, and blocked the Commander's path.

"She's our friend. That's all you need to know." he said quietly. For a couple of seconds none of them said anything. The staring contest was then stopped by the Commander who lowered his head, and stepped back again.

"Forgive me. I only wanted to,—"

"I don't give a fuck about what you want." Azariah said, his face marred by annoyance and anger. "Who the fuck are you?"

"He's the Commander of the Left Wing Army. And brother to King Kade." Kaynen said, and stepped forwards until he stood face to face with the Commander.

"What? Why would the brother of the King come after us?" Elias asked with a frown.

"Why are you here, Commander?" Kaynen asked in a low voice.

"I was tasked with bringing four bounty hunters back to the bureau. I was only informed about the job they had not finished, and the prisoner they had not brought back. I tracked their trails and then I found you." Baylor answered, his expression unreadable.

"If that was the case, then other bounty hunters would have been sent. You're a far too important person to have been tasked with bringing back four rogue bounty hunters." Kaynen replied.

"I only do what I am told." the Commander answered with a shrug.

"To answer your previous question, Commander." Lina said as she came to stand in front of the Commander. "I am like you and everyone else here. But only a bit different. I do not know from where my powers came, but I can assure you, if you so much as try to hurt me or my friends, I will end you."

Kaynen wanted to smirk, but he kept a straight face. He had heard stories about the Commander. Loyal and fearless were some of the things that were often used to describe the brother of the King. But now, Kaynen could see his eyes widen a bit, and if that on his face was not a little bit of fear, then Kaynen didn't know what it else it was.

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