Chapter 11

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Kaynen wasn't sure what Ezra meant, and just as he opened his mouth to ask the man, a scream tore through the house. He knew exactly who it belonged to, and within seconds he was in the doorway of the herbal room. What he saw before him made his eyes widen, and he slowly stepped in the room. Lina stood in the far corner of the room, her hands cradling her head. The familiar mist surrounded her whole body, and the small plants Ethen previously had in the room, were slowly growing into trees. Ethen himself was on the ground, wiping the blood that was trickling from the wound on his forehead. Elian was attempting to get closer to Lina, but the trees closest to her kept him away by violently swinging their branches at him.

"Calm her down before she destroys my house, damn it." Ezra said from next to Kaynen.

"What is happening to me? I can't......—," Kaynen heard Lina mutter, and he stepped closer to her.

"Lina? It's me, Kaynen. You're safe, everything is okay." he said as he stretched out his arm towards her. Elian stepped back, and moved to his brother's side. The trees were almost reaching the ceiling, and Kaynen cursed inwardly.

"Lina? Look at me. I'm here, I'm here, always." he whispered, and he slowly walked closer to her. The trees closest to her stopped moving, and she lifted her head. Her eyes were glassy, and there were tears rolling down her cheeks. Her eyes widened, and before he could say something else, she jumped into his arms. The mist slowly disappeared, and the trees started to shrink back into plants.

"You're okay." he said, and repeated it three more times. In the corner of his eye he saw Ethen stand next to Ezra, both of their eyes on Lina. Ezra smirked, and then left the room, followed by Ethen.

"What happened?" Kaynen asked Lina, and she pulled out of his embrace.

"I'm not sure. I woke up and my powers were just......uncontrollable. I couldn't.......I couldn't find you, and I, I don't know, panicked I guess." she replied with a soft laugh, and wiped her wet face with the back of her hand.

"You....panicked?" Elias said, and then smiled wide. "Awwwww."

"Stop okay, this is serious." Lina said with a straight face. Elias's smile disappeared, and then both of them burst into laughter.

"You almost destroyed Ezra's house. That's badass." Elias said, and Kaynen chuckled.

"You're okay, that's all that matters now. Now we—," he started, but was interrupted by Ethen.

"Ezra is expecting you in his reading room. All of you." he said, and then he walked away. They all looked at each other, and then Azariah moved to the door.

"Let's just get this shit over with." he said, and left the room, followed by the twins.

"You good?" Kaynen asked Lina, and she nodded.

"Let's go."


The man was scary. He smoked his cigar while sitting in the arm chair, closest to the fireplace. The way he looked at her, made her skin crawl, but she refused to be scared. She stared back at him, and he smirked.

"I haven't seen your kind in a long time." he said as he blew out a puff of smoke.

"What do you mean 'my kind'." she asked with a frown.

"A Magian of light. Another term I believe is witch."

Lavelina had known that she was....something, but a witch? Those only existed in bedtime stories and fairy tales. The things she experienced and the things she had seen since leaving the Lonely forest could possibly also be found in fairy tales and bed time stories, but she knew that it had all been real. She had always wondered what she was, and now that she finally knew, she still felt......she didn't know what she felt. Her feelings were all over the place.

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