Chapter 14

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Ellora knelt in the middle of the circle, and arranged the ingredients in the order she would use them. The room was dimly lit by torches, and she glanced at the women from who she would transfer the magic. They were all loyal, and Ellora felt grateful for that. She might be known for being cruel, but she did appreciate the loyalty from these women. They had come a long way, and she knew they felt honored to be able to lend her their magic.

She cut the throat of the raven, and let it's blood drip into a silver bowl. She then proceeded to put the herbs in the bowl before putting it aside. She dipped her finger into the bowl, and then used the blood to draw the symbol of the ritual on her forehead while she muttered the words of the spell. After finishing, she got up, and then walked to Leah, who removed her hood.

"Do you accept?" she asked her, and Leah nodded. "I do."

She then moved the bowl to Leah's mouth, and let her take a sip before drawing the same symbol on her head. She then moved to Nylah, and then to Aria. Lastly she moved to Emely, who looked a bit nervous. Ellora frowned, but did not ask what was bothering her.

"Do you accept?"

"I do." Emely answered, and then proceeded to drink from the bowl. Ellora moved back to the middle of the circle, and put the bowl on the floor. She then closed her eyes, and muttered words from the Book of Necromancy. She stopped and picked up the dagger from the floor before slashing her palm. As her blood dripped from her body, she lifted her arms, and let the dagger fall to the ground. Leah then groaned, and held her stomach.

It was time. Ellora stretched out her palm, and Leah made a choking sound before falling to her knees. A black colored mist fell from her mouth and moved towards Ellora's palm. She gasped as it entered her body through her wound, and she smiled. As she repeated the same thing with Nylah and Aria, she could she could feel the magic flow through her body. It was painful, but she would bear it. The pain would be gone soon. As Emely's magic entered her body, Ellora fell to her knees from the pain. The magic needed time to settle in her body, and she slowly felt it grow dormant. As she looked up at the women who had given their magic to her, she noticed a figure near the door.

Kade stood there with his familiar smirk, and moved aside as more than a dozen soldiers filled the room. He then moved towards the circle, and drove his sword through Nylah. Ellora glared at the man, as she attempted to stand.

"How dare you?" she snarls at him, and he laughed.

"How dare I? How dare you?" he growls back, and all Ellora wanted to do was tear his heart out. She silently prayed for the magic to come forward. Her body was still hurting, but she could feel the pain lessening.

Kade moved in front of her, and then pointed his sword at her.

"I've wanted this, for a very long long time." he said, and nicked her cheek with the point of his sword. 
"Beg. Beg for me to end this quick."

Ellora continued her silent prayers, and grinned when she felt the magic bubbling up inside of her.

"You will die for this." she says, as she swings out her arm, flinging Kade to the other side of the room. She then moved quickly, using her magic to take out the soldiers one by one. It only took her a minute or so before she tore out the heart of the last soldier. Blood dripped from her face, and she laughed. The power she felt was incredible. Her eyes fell on the other side of the room, and she let out a vicious growl. He must have escaped while she was killing his soldiers.

She felt eyes on her, and turned around. Leah, Emely and Aria all looked at her with wide eyes. She looked down at her bloodied clothes, and chuckled. She then slowly walked closer to the three women, and looked at each of them.

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