Chapter 23

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They had been walking for days, when they finally arrived at a very small town. It seemed that everyone was in a hurry, so people barely noticed the strangers arriving in town. Baylor and Elias quickly made work of finding healthy horses, while she and Azariah filled up their bags with enough food to last them days. The route to the Royal City went through merchant towns which would probably be filled with soldiers, so Baylor had recommended taking the back way pass to the Royal city. 
A women with a small child on her hip and a big bag on her shoulder bumped into Lavelina, and she managed to steady the woman before she fell. 

"Thank you kindly." the woman said in a rush, and Lavelina smiled.

"You're welcome. Uh, It seems everyone is in a rush. Is there any reason for that, if you don't mind me asking." she asked the woman who finally turned around and looked at her. Her eyes swept over her, making her a bit uncomfortable, but if the woman was shocked by Lavelina's appearance, she didn't voice it.

"Uh, it's no trouble miss. There's a rumor going around, about an heir to the throne. One of King Talon's blood. There are groups rallying to protest, and many are leaving to join them." the woman whispered, as if she was telling a secret.

So Serena's plan had worked after all. She thanked the woman, and turned around to look for Azariah, wondering what would happen if people found out their true king was right here among them. He had not said anything else about being king, and taking over the Kingdom from Kade. She did not know what to expect from their future meeting with Kade. According to Baylor, he was unpredictable, and Lavelina knew that Azariah needed to be protected at all costs. 

"You done daydreaming?" 

"Uh what?" she asked Azariah, who stood with his bag full of food. 

"I guess not then." he answered as he pushed a whole raisin bun in his mouth. 

Baylor and Elias joined them at that moment, and together they left the town behind. Lavelina had finally learned to ride a horse while at the rebel camp, and now sat atop a brown and white mare who was just perfect for her. 

"We'll be riding hard and fast. You sure you'll be able to keep up?" Azariah asked her, and she scoffed. 

"You underestimate me too much, Azariah. And it's getting old. Trust me, I got this. Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

"The fuck does that mean? Lemon squeezy?"

She rolled her eyes, and turned her horse away from him before starting into a gallop. A smile was on her face, and she was happy for the distraction. Her smile disappeared when thoughts of Kaynen's unconscious body filled her mind. She could hear Elias laughing and teasing Azariah, who in return reciprocated with his familiar grunts. Even Baylor was chuckling, and that said much. 

The ride to the Royal City, according to Baylor, would take days. That is, if they took two or three breaks a day. So they had decided to keep riding, until their bodies couldn't take it anymore. Only then, they would stop to rest. Kaynen was running out of time, and she couldn't waste the small amount of time he had left. 

So they rode. For two long days before taking a break. They had managed to avoid the merchant towns, and so Kade's soldiers. While that was the case for two days, by the third day their luck must have run out. As they rode through the dense forest, following the narrow path, they came across a small army of soldiers. Before they had the chance to turn around, and take another route, one of the scouts spotted them. 

"Hold there."

"Fucking shit." Azariah muttered with a scowl. 

"What now?" Elias asked, and Baylor turned his horse around. 

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