Chapter 5

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"I don't think he likes me very much." Lina said, and Kaynen looked at her. Her eyes were on Azariah who was shooting arrows into one of the trees closest to the cottage. "And I don't like him shooting arrows into my tree." she mumbled with a glare. Kaynen put his hand before his mouth, and tried not to laugh loudly. He cleared his throat and removed his hand.

"Maybe you should go tell him then." he said to her with a straight face. She stopped with what she was doing, and looked him straight in the eye.

"You know what? I will do exactly that." she replied, and he watched with a smile as she marched over to where Azariah was. This was going to be fun. Kaynen knew that Azariah didn't trust others easily, and the reason behind that was probably his childhood. He called it his nightmare. Kaynen also knew, that Azariah would never hurt a woman, or any innocent person. So he wasn't worried. From where he was standing, he watched how Lina gave Azariah a piece of her mind.

"Excuse me Azariah. You are shooting arrows in my tree, and I don't like it. Can you stop?"

Azariah shot the last arrow, and then turned around. He looked at her with a bored expression, but you could still see traces of his familiar angry expression.

"We're in a forest. The trees belong to no one."

"This one does, and so does that one, and that one, and that one." she replied as she pointed to the trees closest to her home.

"They are a part of my home, and now you are hurting it." she then said, her voice softer than before. Azariah looked at her as if she had lost her mind, and sighed.

"Fucking shit. Alright then."

"You sure do curse a lot. I've only known you for three days, and I've already heard you curse thirty five times." Lina then said with a frown, and one hand on her hip.

"What is it with you people and cursing. Can't a man just say the words he likes the most, without others breathing down his neck? And how do you know it was thirty five times?" Azariah asked with a glare.

"I counted. You really like those words the most?" Lina asked with a laugh, which made Azariah all the more angrier.

"Yes, I fucking do!" he answered as he grabbed his arrows, and marched away.

"Yeah, laugh all you want, asshole." Azariah said to Kaynen as he walked past him.

"Don't be like that, Azz." Kaynen replied with a grin. Azariah walked to the back of the cottage, probably to wash up.

He then felt someone at his side, and looked at Lina. She had a smile on her face, which made him smile too.

"Your friend is one of a kind."

"That he is. Don't mind him, he's been like that ever since we were kids. He is one of the most loyal people I know, even if he might come across as angry and hateful."

"You guys all have such a strong bond with each other. It's the first time I've seen something like this." Lina replied quietly. She sounded a bit different. Almost as if she was sad. A thought then came to mind. What if she was lonely here. Elian would be fully healed in maybe one or two days, and then it would be time to leave. To say goodbye. But....what if he asked her to go with him. Would she want to? Kaynen wasn't sure, but he also wasn't sure if asking her to leave her home,her safe home, to go outside of the forest, into the crumbling Kingdom of King Kade, was the right thing to do.

"Kaynen? Are you alright?" she asked worryingly, and he cleared his throat.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about something." he answered as he tried to smile. He could see that she didn't really believe him.

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