Episode Three: Train (pt. 2)

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*Hey guys! This is published on December 28, 2019. The next and final part will come out today while the next episode will come out next week. I hope you all have a blessed day and thank you for taking the time to read this. If you like this part, please give it a vote or/and comment. That would be much appreciated. 

In the middle of the night, Guy and Michellee were sleeping in one room next to Sam and E.B. Michellee laid on Guy's chest comfortably, sleeping soundly. While a smile was stuck on Michellee's face, Guy began to moan in his sleep uncomfortably.

Guy's Dream:

Guy lifted his eyelids to noticed Michellee not sleeping with him. He raised his brow as he sat up from his bed. The room was hollow and dark. Guy scooched off of his bed and looked out the window. The outside seemed normal...colorful normal. He heard rattling in the dining room nearby. He turned slowly while hearing the noises more. He peeked out of his bedroom, limping from his injured leg.

"Hello?" Guy called, his breath shaky. His heart began to race as he warily strolled through the dining area. He clenched his hands together, looking around the dark room frantically. There's no one in the room with him and the empty train was moving throughout the dark night.

"Guy...Guy," a whisper slithered into Guy's ears, making him shiver in the dark.

Guy whipped his head while examing the dark dining room frantically. "Who's there? Who said that?"

"Over here, Guy--over here," the whisper continued to call Guy but it came from the kitchen.

Guy's breathing trembled while he slowly and carefully strolled towards the kitchen. He entered the kitchen, noticing that the kitchen was darker than the dining room. He noticed a mirror that reflected his appearance. He stared at himself in the mirror, noticing that his eyes looked weary as if he hadn't got any sleep. 

His eyes bulged out suddenly to notice the hooded figure creeping up behind him. He immediately turned around to find no one was behind him. Guy sighed slightly in relief and faced back to the mirror to see his reflection again but this time, it's not his reflection. It's a reflection of the shadowy hooded creep just staring back at him, causing him to gasp in fear. Before Guy could make a run for it, the shadow grabbed Guy by the scruff of fur on his chest and thrusted him through the mirror. Guy shrieked as he fell through the dark and endless void. He collided into the harsh ground with a thud.

"Ugh...what's happening?" Guy groaned in pain while looking around the dark place. He's on the train again but...it's mangled with thick branches stabbing through the train, letting it appear as a dark hollow forest. He stood up slowly, his breathing became rapid. His heartbeat thumped harder in his chest while he warily wandered through the disorientated dimension.

"Alright...where am I?" Guy questioned himself, not understanding what's happening. He heard a screeching sound from behind. He jumped and turned quickly to the noise. Something lurked in the shadows, causing him to be frozen still. Someone unexpectedly grabbed his arm and shoved him behind the log.

"What the--?"

"Shh," Someone, who turned out to be Sam, shushed Guy while hiding near the log beside Guy. The shadow past them without noticing them hiding.

Guy scooched next to Sam. "Sam, what's going on? Where are we?"

Sam shook his head. "I can't tell you. Come on!"

Sam grabbed Guy by the hand and led him through the dark forest, raising some more questions for Guy.

"Sam, where are you taking me?"

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