Episode Eleven: Boat (pt. 2)

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*Hey guys! The next part will come out today and the next episode will come out next week. This is published on February 23, 2020. If you like these parts of the episode, please comment and/or vote. I would love to hear what you think. Enjoy!* 

Everyone heard someone screaming from outside.

"Uh...why is there a little girl screaming?" Michael asked the group.

Jean and his family quickly climbed down from Michael and hid in the darkest corner of the room in case something bad was going to happen.

"E.B!!" Guy shouted in realization as he bolted outside. Michellee gasped and immediately followed after her boyfriend. Dave, Louis, McWinkle, and Gluntz strode outside to follow behind the couple. Michael, with Jean and his family perched on top of his head, followed after them while Goat tagged along with him. They got to the backyard and swept their panicked gazes around the yard.

"Okay, where did the scream come from?!" Goat shouted aggressively.

Dave glanced up to notice the assassin hopping down from the tree. "There!"

Everyone saw the assassin, carrying a bag with E.B. struggling in it, bolting towards the stone wall. Louis chased after the assassin, hopping over the stone wall. Gluntz followed after Louis. However, the wall was too high for her to climb. Michael rushed by her and gestured her to come to him. Gluntz sprinted towards the fox while Michael gave her a boost over the wall. She hopped over the wall flawlessly and sprinted after Louis.

Michellee bolted towards Michael while Michael gave her the boost over the wall as he did with Gluntz. She spun herself over the wall and landed on her feet. Michael gestured anyone else until Goat charged towards the iron gate and busted it down with his hooves.

Michael rolled his eyes at Goat irritably. "Show-off."

Guy sprinted passed them while McWinkle and Dave followed after him. Goat and Michael hurried behind them.


The assassin, who's carrying E.B. in the bag, ran through the forest by the river at the edge of town.

"Let me go! Let me go!" E.B. screamed, punching the bag she's trapped in.

The assassin didn't respond to her screams while glancing behind him to see if he's being chased still. There's no one chasing him. When he glanced back, he noticed Louis hopping down from the tree aside from the assassin and tackling him through the forest. The bag tumbled out of the assassin's grip, causing E.B. to yelp a bit.

"Louis?!" E.B. shouted.

"Hey, E.B! Give me one second!" Louis yelled while fighting the assassin off. It's sudden that another assassin came out of nowhere and picked up the bag on the ground. Gluntz noticed Louis fighting the assassin while taking out her net gun and aimed it at the assassin clutching the bag. She pulled the trigger and the net flew towards the assassin. Before the net captured the assassin, the assassin threw the bag away from him, letting another assassin catch it.

Michellee approached beside Gluntz with widened eyes in shock. Suddenly, the assassin used his blades to cut out of the net he's in and took out two pistols to aim at the two girls. He quickly pulled the trigger but the bullets were intercepted when Guy approached the ladies and used his back like a shield. Goat sprinted beside Guy and took out his own pistol. He shot down the assassin before the assassin can run.

Goat glanced at Guy with a smirk. "Good thing I test you before we ran into this situation."

"Oh, shut up!" Guy growled.

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