crack-Mr.Chainsaw and Co.

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WARNING: gore and some cursing.

Third Person

Doc and Ren were in a tight spot. They were pinned in the back of a large warehouse, with a massive horde of zombies swarming them.

Reloading his pistol, Doc glanced at Ren who was busy trying to make a escape. "Got anything?"

A tight grimace made its way across Ren's face as he cut a zombie down with his sword. "No. The only way we could escape is if someone saved us, and they would have to be as strong as a military."

"Better enjoy these last momen-" Doc was cut off by the noises of a chainsaw being powered up from outside of the warehouse. "What the fu-"

A zombie who appeared to look different then the others barged through the open door, absolutely obliterating the other zombies. Right after it was a man with a gas mask who was wielding-was that a chainsaw?!

Brains splattered the ground as the noise of gun fire echoed in the warehouse. Looking up, Doc could see some sniping the zombies through the open skylight.

The Trio that had saved their butts absolutely slaughtered the zombies. The zombie was now clearly a immune, and a young woman with ginger hair starkly contrasting the green.

The sniper dropped down from the skylight, using a grappling hook to ease himself down, and holding a interesting hat in place on his head.

The gasmask dude just turned off his chainsaw and began studying them through the yellow lenses of the M-38 gasmask. His eyes where a surprising aqua.

"Hi! I'm Scar! This is Cleo, and he doesn't talk so we call him gasmask or Mr.Chainsaw." The sniper cheerfully said this after landing, retracting the grappling hook and clipping it to his waist.

"I.. Uh..." Stuttering, Doc stared at the... interesting mix of humans (?) in front of him as Ren climbed down from the boxcar they were standing on. "My names Ren, and this is Doc. You guys are a... curious bunch."

"Well duh." Mr.Chainsaw tapped 'Scar' on the shoulder and he turned. "What?" Pointing upwards, Mr.Chainsaw pointed out a teenager observing the conversation.

"Ah shit I've been spotted. Your chainsaw is sick, by the way."

The teenager swung down, using the small amount of pipes to swiftly climb down. "Before you ask, I don't really have a name. I was born in this bloodbath, after all."

Feet hitting the ground, the teenagers sword was slung over his shoulder ninja style and he had a bandanna wrapped around his nose to block out any dust that could get into his nose. His eyes where a dark red, probably a defect from the radiation, and he had blond hair.

"What idiot had a kid?" A burst of laughter came from the teenager and he replied "Never knew them, actually! I was raised by a dude called TFC. He's a father to me. Actually, its nearly dinner time and I should be heading back before he comes after me."

A silence followed this statement. Ren was gawking at him, wondering how he was still alive, and Doc swatted him over the head.

"If you want to come with me, we have extra food." Without a tick of hesitation, the trio began to follow him. Doc and Ren also followed after a moments hesitation.

"You can call me Tango, I dunno why TFC calls me that. Says its a dance from the old world."

'Old world? is that what people call the world before.. this?' "Oh! Theres a ton of us, by the way. We are a large group of people born in the apocalypse and people who survived it. So far, at least."

Scar suddenly realized something. "Waitwaitwaitwait.... Jellie! Jellie! You here?"

After a long moments pause, a little girl with grey hair popped up ontop of the warehouse. "Coming!" She bounded down the side like a cat, and ran up to Scar. "Dad? Who are these new people?"

Scar was getting a shocked stare from both Doc, Ren, and Tango had just brushed it off. Picking up Jellie, he introduced the 'new people' to Jellie and explained to Doc and Ren that Jellie was his sisters child and he had adopted Jellie after her mother was zombified.

As they walked, Jellie eventually (To Doc and Ren's horror. Tango was chill with it) wanted 'Uncle Gasmask' to carry her. He complied and absolutely glowed the entire walk.

Scar was forced to carry the chainsaw. "How on earth do you carry this with one hand?"

When they finally reached the bunker, they discovered that it had at least thirty exits scattered among the city. Entering it, they eventually reached a large old kitchen, with at least 12 people around it.

When Tango led them in, everyone jumped to their feet in alarm at the people following him, then relaxed when they saw the little girl playing with a mans gasmask filter.

Scar was finally able to set down the chainsaw. "That thing is heavy!"

Like it y'all?

Bya costumers.

Word count 828

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