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"What did you do to him?" Namjoon asked from the passenger seat as I wiped Taehyungs chin with some napkins he had found in the glove compartment. I said nothing I just looked down at the pale sick boy and kept wiping. Now dabbing at his shirt. He groaned in his sleep a few times but didn't move, except for the soft bouncing of the vehicle. 

"Why do you just assume he did something wrong?" Jin asked. Foot pressed hard on the gas as the light changed to yellow. 

"You never know, dick might be too bom-"

"Finish that sentence bitch I dare you. Dicks will be chopped, hands will be thrown." Jin said never taking his eyes off the road. 

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

Their words began to jumble themselves in my ears. "bitch....but franklin doo....oodles with noodles...when we get home...beat that ass...he's mine....kook...Jungkook.....JUNGKOOK" 

I jumped from my trance. That had been happening a lot more lately then is usually had. 

"Are you going to take him in?" Jin asked looking back at me with a worried expression.  I finally realized that we had made it to the hospital. I opened the door and stepped out just t reach back in and cradle Taehyung just like I had before, pulling out of the car. 

"Kook?" he mumbled quietly as I rushed him through the ER entrance. 

"Yea, I'm here baby I'm right here" I said quickly my face red and streaked with dry tears. But he said nothing he was out cold yet again. 

Jin had gone in before me and was talking to a nurse every and once and a while turning and pointing at me. After what seemed like forever the nurse walked over to me.  He was a little shorter than me and his skinny his scrubs hung loosely from his body.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He asked as he called for a female to bring him a gurney. 

"H-he was fine one second and the next he was slumped over and throwing up. When I felt him he was hot and then he passed out. Said he didn't feel good." 

"Ahhh I see" The nurse paused and I wanted to punch that bitch so hard. I don't even know why I was that mad. Aren't they supposed to ask wayyy more questions during things like this? 

"And I hear you went to Santorini," The nurse said eyes flashing from his clipboard, which he wasn't writing on, to me. "I've been looking into taking the wife there, such a beautif-"

"what the FUCK does THAT got to do with WHAT THE FUCK IS happening here." I said upset. I wasn't even surprised anymore that Tae didn't even budge. 

"Oh right" the nurse said frowning.

"oH RiGhT" I mocked him under my breath. I didn't want the guy, who would be looking after Tae, to think I was too much of a bitch; But who the fuck tries to small talk with someone who's having an emergency in the ER!

Taehyung coughed lightly and then it got harder and harder, his eyes shot open.  A sound came from his throat it sounded like a sad puppy. Whimpering for help, as he threw up yet again but this time on me too.  I looked at the nurse then back to the boy in my arms. 

"What do we do?" I asked. 

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